What We Mean When We Say "Good" or "Bad" Sex

How do we define something so damn subjective?

Shannon Ashley
Awkwardly Honest


Many of us grew up hearing about “mind blowing sex” before we even knew what sex was. For my whole life, women’s magazines at the supermarket have been littered with hot headlines — mostly aimed at women giving their men “the best sex of their lives.”

Talk about an already mysterious subject becoming even more hazy.

These magazines tell us that we can drive a partner crazy with our knowledge and prowess of all the right moves. As if there are some really big secrets to satisfying sex. A new “unheard of” sex tip gets released with every issue.

Sshhh! Don’t tell them we told you. It will be OUR secret!

Sex sells, so we read articles about how to have better sex just like we’re looking for a few good productivity hacks. For those of us who still have sex, anyway. Those of us who aren’t having sex have probably replaced the whole damn thing with Netflix and productivity porn. But I digress.

All in all, our culture does a piss poor job at speaking honestly about sex. When we talk…



Shannon Ashley
Awkwardly Honest

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com