Don’t Miss These Startup Activities at AWS re:Invent!

November 13th, 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada

AWS Startups
AWS Startup Collection


In just over a month AWS customers, cloud technology enthusiasts, and industry thought leaders will gather in Las Vegas for our annual re:Invent conference. We’re amped up to connect with the startup community and learn about the latest big ideas, stealth mode projects, and go live plans.

An extensive lineup of startup-focused events take place at re:Invent on Thursday, November 13. Dr. Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon, will host the startup sessions.

Here’s a quick peak at the startup experience this year:

Third Annual Startup Launches with Dr. Werner Vogels, Amazon CTO

Five AWS-powered startups will make a significant, never-before-shared launch announcement on stage with Werner. Included in the announcements are special discounts on the newly-launched products — discounts only available to session attendees. And a launch party wouldn’t be complete without food and drinks, so join us for happy hour immediately following the final launch announcement!

Founders Fireside Chat with Dr. Werner Vogels, Amazon CTO

Werner sits down with leaders who have taken their startups from an idea on a cocktail napkin to known names in a matter of a few years by harnessing the possibilities of technology and AWS. Their insights and learnings apply not only to fledgling startups and future entrepreneurs, but to enterprises seeking out ways to become more agile, responsive, and dynamic in the rapid technology race. Dan Wagner, CEO of Civis Analytics, Adam Jacob, Chief Dev Officer of Chef, and Alan Schaaf, founder of Imgur will join Werner.

CTO-to-CTO Fireside Chat with Dr. Werner Vogels, Amazon CTO

This one-on-one fireside chat gets into the mindsets of the technical leaders behind some of the most progressive and innovative startups in the world. This is your opportunity to learn what happens behind the scenes, how pivotal technology and AWS infrastructure decisions are made, and the thinking that leads to products and services that disrupt and reshape how businesses and people use technologies day to day. Werner will chat with Chris Wanstrath, CEO of Github, Andrew Miklas, CTO of Pagerduty, and Seth Proctor, CTO of NuoDB.

VC Panel Discussion

Hear what this high-powered panel of top venture capitalists of the next wave of cloud innovation have to say about trends, pleasant and unpleasant surprises, the next big things on the horizon, and emerging startup hotspots for cloud apps and infrastructure. Greylock Partners, Draper Associates, Scale Venture Partners, Madrona Venture Group, and General Catalyst Partners will join the panel.

Startup Pub Crawl

Don’t forget about Wednesday night! In preparation for the Thursday startup track, join the AWS Startup Team for a stop along the re:Invent Pub Crawl. It will be an opportunity to network with the hottest startups, enterprises, and AWS team members. Join us at Buddy V’s on Wednesday, November 12 from 5:30–7:30 at the Grand Canal Shoppes at the Venetian.

For registration details, venue information, and detailed session schedules, please check out the re:Invent website.

See you in Vegas!
AWS Startup Team



AWS Startups
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