AWS Cloud Penetration Testing Offensive Security Chapter 1 of 12


Introduction to Penetration Testing the AWS Cloud with Kali Linux


This 12 chapter series titled “Pentesting the AWS cloud with Kali Linux” provides an overview of the basics of penetration testing and its relevance in the AWS ecosystem. This chapter introduces the concept and importance of penetration testing to identify security vulnerabilities in the key components of the AWS environment (compute, storage, and network). The chapter also describes the various tools and techniques used in Pentesting. These include vulnerability scanners, network sniffers, and brute force attacks. Readers will learn about black-box testing and white-box testing, their strengths and weaknesses, and how these can be applied in an AWS environment. They will also gain an understanding of the AWS shared responsibility model and how it affects security testing in the cloud. Finally, the chapter concludes with some best practices for conducting effective and efficient Pentesting on AWS, including proper documentation and stakeholder communication.


The chapter covers the following topics:

· Understanding penetration testing: Learn about the basics of penetration testing and its relevance in identifying security vulnerabilities in an AWS environment.

· Exploiting AWS components: Gain an understanding of the key components of AWS, including compute, storage, and network, and how these can be exploited by attackers.

· Tools and techniques for Pentesting: Learn about various tools and techniques used in Pentesting, such as vulnerability scanners, network sniffers, and brute force attacks.

· Types of penetration testing: Understand different types of penetration testing, such as black-box testing and white-box testing, and how they can be applied in an AWS environment.


At the end of this chapter, you will have a fundamental understanding of 13 essential AWS services that make up the Cloud Service Provider Ecosystem. Having a good foundation of the AWS infrastructure will lead to more successful attempts of exploits during your assessments. Listed below are the basic objectives and Pentesting background requirements we hope to convey during our introduction chapter:

· Understand the concept of penetration testing and its importance in identifying security vulnerabilities in an AWS environment.

· Gain an understanding of the key components of AWS, including compute, storage, and network, and how these can be exploited by attackers.

· Learn about various tools and techniques used in Pentesting, such as vulnerability scanners, network sniffers, and brute force attacks, and how they can be applied in an AWS environment.

· Understand different types of penetration testing, such as black-box testing and white-box testing, and how they can be applied in an AWS environment.

· Discover best practices for conducting effective and efficient Pentesting on AWS, including proper documentation and stakeholder communication.

· Gain an understanding of the AWS shared responsibility model and how it affects security testing in the cloud.

Basics of Penetration Testing

One key benefit of the cloud is elasticity, which allows it to use only required resources and pay for that portion only. A very common use case for certain workloads is that on weekends offices are closed, and there is not much load; hence infrastructure can be reduced to a minimum. Pentesting involves simulating an attack on a system to identify potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. Pentesting is typically performed by a team of security professionals with expertise in computer systems, networks, and web applications. The goal of Pentesting is to identify weaknesses in the system and provide recommendations for remediation.

The process of Pentesting typically involves several phases. These include planning, reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, post-exploitation, and reporting. During the planning phase, the pentester identifies the target system and determines the scope of the test. In the reconnaissance phase, the pentester gathers information about the target system and its environment. In the scanning phase, the pentester performs an automated scan of the target system to identify potential vulnerabilities. In the exploitation phase, the pentester attempts to exploit the vulnerabilities identified in the previous phases. In the post-exploitation phase, the pentester attempts to maintain access to the target system and gather additional information. Finally, in the reporting phase, the pentester provides a report of the vulnerabilities identified and recommends the steps for remediation.

Background on Penetration Testing AWS Essential Services

Pentesting is an essential part of ensuring the security of an AWS environment. AWS provides a wide range of services, including computing, storage, and network, that are critical to the operation of many businesses. These services are highly complex and can be challenging to secure. Pentesting allows businesses to identify and remediate security risks before attackers can exploit them.

There are several benefits of performing penetration testing in an AWS environment. Firstly, it allows businesses to identify vulnerabilities in their AWS environment that may be missed by traditional security measures. Secondly, it allows businesses to test their incident response procedures and identify any gaps in their security posture. Finally, it provides a valuable tool for compliance with regulatory requirements, as many regulations require regular penetration testing as part of a comprehensive security program.

13 Essential AWS services and their associated attack strategies are covered in greater detail later in chapters 3 through 10.

· API Gateway

· AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall)

· Certificate Manager

· CloudFront

· CloudTrail

· CloudWatch

· EBS (Elastic Block Store)

· EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud):

· KMS (Key Management Service)

· Lambda:

· RDS (Relational Database Service)

· Route 53

· S3 (Simple Storage Service)

AWS (Amazon Web Services) provides a vast range of cloud-based services to support businesses and individuals in their computing requirements. Here, we will look at some of the most popular AWS services and their functions:

API Gateway allows users to create, deploy, and manage APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for server less architectures. It helps create custom APIs, build API-based applications, and secure data access.

AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) is a web application firewall service that helps protect web applications from common web exploits that could affect application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. WAF provides rules that can be customized to allow, block, or monitor incoming requests.

Certificate Manager is a service that allows users to easily provision, manage, and deploy Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates for use with AWS services and resources. With Certificate Manager, users can issue free SSL/TLS certificates trusted by most modern web browsers.

CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service that speeds up the distribution of static and dynamic web content, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images. CloudFront provides users with a global network of edge locations that cache content close to end users, reducing latency and improving performance.

CloudTrail is a service that records API calls and events within AWS accounts. It provides a history of API calls, allowing administrators to monitor activity and improve security and compliance.

CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS resources and applications. It provides visibility into resources such as EC2 instances and S3 buckets, monitoring metrics, and generating alerts in response to specific events.

EBS (Elastic Block Store) is a persistent block storage service for Amazon EC2 instances. It allows users to create and manage storage volumes that can be attached to EC2 instances. EBS volumes are highly available and durable, providing a reliable storage solution for data that needs to be persisted beyond the lifespan of an EC2 instance. With EBS, users can create snapshots of their volumes for backup and disaster recovery purposes.

EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): EC2 provides scalable computing power in the cloud. Users can easily configure instances, which are virtual machines running on AWS servers. EC2 instances can be configured to run a range of operating systems, including Windows and Linux, and can be customized to meet specific computing requirements.

IAM (Identity and Access Management) is a service that allows users to manage access to AWS resources securely. It provides access control to users and groups, allowing administrators to control permissions and restrict access to resources. This service is essential in maintaining security and compliance.

KMS (Key Management Service) is a managed service that allows users to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt their data. KMS makes it easy for users to create and manage encryption keys without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. KMS is integrated with other AWS services, such as S3, EBS, and RDS.

Lambda is a serverless computing service allowing users to run code without having to manage servers. It runs code responding to events, automatically scaling up and down to match incoming traffic. Lambda functions can be integrated with other AWS services, making it an essential service in building serverless architectures.

RDS (Relational Database Service) is a managed database service that provides users an easy way to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. RDS supports several popular database engines, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. RDS takes care of time-consuming administrative tasks such as database backups, software patching, and scaling.

Route 53 is a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service. It provides users with a way to route end users to Internet applications by translating domain names into IP addresses. Route 53 also provides users with the ability to register and manage domain names.

S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a highly scalable and durable object storage service. It enables users to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere in the world and can be integrated with other AWS services to provide highly available and scalable solutions.

In summary, AWS provides a vast range of services to support businesses and individuals in their computing requirements. The services mentioned above are some of the most popular, each serving a specific function. Understanding these services and their functions is essential in developing efficient and scalable cloud-based solutions as well as seeing the vulnerabilities.

Tools and techniques for Pentesting against AWS

It seems like every year, the list is ever growing of many new and exciting open-source tools used for penetration testing AWS. This can seem a bit daunting to continually add to your personal repositories and keep up with.

Our list below should stay relevant for a while as it includes a mix of different types of tools, frameworks, and web discovery applications we will use and explain in greater detail in chapters three through ten. Some are scripts, such as the AWS CLI, Python SDK, and AWS PowerShell tools. Others are web tools or platforms, such as CloudSploit, CloudMapper, and ScoutSuite. There are also some specialized tools, such as Pacu, which is a penetration testing tool specifically designed for AWS environments, and Prowler, which is a security tool that automates checks against various AWS security best practices. Overall, the list includes a variety of tools that can be used for different purposes, such as reconnaissance, vulnerability scanning, and exploitation.

· AWS Goat
· Pacu
· Prowler
· PTF (Penetration Testing Framework)
· AWSpentest
· ScoutSuite
· Aardvark
· Gobuster
· Sublist3r
· Wappalyzer
· OWASP Amass
· CloudMapper
· Cloudgoat 2
· BloodHound
· AWS-Scanner
· AWSBucketDump
· CloudFanta
· CloudSniper
· Empire
· Cloudfrunt

These 20 tools are just the tip of the iceberg, and there are many more out there that can help you with different stages of penetration testing, from reconnaissance to exploitation. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so always make sure to follow ethical standards and obtain proper authorization before conducting penetration testing on AWS or any other cloud infrastructure.

One of the longest-lasting and still relevant tools used in pen testing AWS is the good old fashion vulnerability scanner. These are automated tools that scan the AWS infrastructure for known vulnerabilities, such as missing security patches or misconfigured settings. Vulnerability scanners can also detect misconfigured AWS services, such as open S3 buckets or security groups with overly permissive rules. Even if your vulnerability scans do not directly result in gaining a foothold, they are a requirement for due diligence when performing an assessment against AWS resources. Some popular vulnerability scanners for AWS include Nessus, Qualys, and OpenVAS.

Brute Force attacks, while not the most attractive option, will endure as thriving lucrative avenues in the real world used by cyber criminals and ethical hackers pen-testing AWS. Brute force attacks involve trying every possible combination of usernames and passwords to gain access to a target system. In AWS, brute force attacks can be used to try and guess access keys and secret keys for different AWS services. It is worth noting that brute force attacks can be resource-intensive and time-consuming, so they may not always be the most efficient way to gain access to AWS systems.

In addition to these tools, there are also several techniques that are commonly used in pen testing AWS. For example, one technique is to perform reconnaissance on the AWS infrastructure to gather information about the target system. This can include identifying the different AWS services being used, the IP addresses of the different components, and the configuration of the security groups.

Here is a summary of the AWS enumeration and reconnaissance commands we will need to rely on, along with the meaning and purpose of each informational command:

· aws s3 ls: This command lists all the S3 buckets that are present in your AWS account. It is a basic reconnaissance command that provides valuable information about the organization’s data storage architecture. If the buckets are not correctly configured, they can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.

· aws s3 cp: This command is used to copy files to or from an S3 bucket. This command is commonly used by attackers to download sensitive data from a misconfigured S3 bucket. Pen testers can use this command to test the permissions of an S3 bucket and check if any sensitive data is left exposed.

· aws ec2 describe-instances: This command lists all the EC2 instances running in the specified region. It provides information such as the instance ID, instance type, security groups, and tags. This command is used to map the infrastructure of an organization and to identify potential targets for further attacks.

· aws iam get-account-summary: This command provides a summary of the IAM users, groups, and roles in your AWS account. This command is used to gather information about the AWS account, including the number of IAM users, policies, and roles. It can be used to identify potential misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in the IAM policies and access permissions.

· aws iam list-users: This command lists all the IAM users present in your AWS account. It provides information such as the user ID, username, and creation date. This command is used to identify all the user accounts in an AWS account, which can be used as potential attack targets.

· aws iam list-policies: This command lists all the IAM policies present in your AWS account. It provides information such as the policy ID, policy name, and policy creation date. This command is used to gather information about the AWS account’s policies, which can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

· aws ec2 describe-security-groups: This command lists all the security groups present in your AWS account. It provides information such as the security group ID, security group name, and the associated EC2 instances. This command is used to gather information about the security groups in an AWS account and to identify potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

· aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers: This command lists all the Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs) present in your AWS account. It provides information such as the ELB name, the type of load balancer, and the availability zones. This command is used to identify potential targets for further attacks and to gather information about the infrastructure.

In summary, these AWS enumeration and recon commands provide valuable information about an AWS infrastructure, which can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. By utilizing these commands, pen testers can gather information about the infrastructure and identify potential attack targets.

Types of Penetration Testing

There are two main types of penetration testing:

· Black-box testing and

· White-box testing

Black-box testing involves testing the system from an external perspective without any prior knowledge of the system’s configuration or design. On the other hand, white-box testing involves testing the system from an internal perspective, with full knowledge of the system’s configuration and design.

Here, we will discuss the two primary types of penetration testing in much greater detail, weighing the strengths and weaknesses of black-box testing and white-box testing.

Figure 1.14: Pentesting Methodologies

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Black-box testing

Black-box testing is a type of penetration testing in which the tester has no prior knowledge of the system. The tester is provided with a limited set of information, such as the name of the system or application, to simulate an attack. The goal of black-box testing is to identify vulnerabilities that an attacker with no prior knowledge of the system could exploit.


· Black-box testing is useful in identifying vulnerabilities that may not be apparent from the perspective of an insider.

· It simulates a real-world scenario where the attacker has no prior knowledge of the system.

· It can be used to test the security of third-party applications, as the tester does not require access to the source code.


· Black-box testing may not provide a comprehensive view of the security posture of the system, as the tester is limited to a specific set of information.

· It can be time-consuming and costly, as the tester may need to conduct multiple tests to identify all vulnerabilities.

· The results may not be reproducible, as the tester does not have access to the system configuration or source code.

White-box testing

White-box testing, also known as clear-box testing, is a type of penetration testing in which the tester has complete access to the system or application, including the source code and system configuration. The goal of white-box testing is to identify vulnerabilities that an attacker with complete knowledge of the system could exploit.


· White-box testing provides a comprehensive view of the system’s security posture, as the tester has complete access to the system and application.

· It allows for a more targeted approach to testing, as the tester can focus on specific areas of the system that may be more vulnerable.

· It is useful in identifying vulnerabilities that are specific to the system or application.


· White-box testing may not simulate a real-world scenario, as the tester has complete knowledge of the system.

· It may require significant time and resources to conduct, as the tester must have complete access to the system and application.

· It may not be useful in testing third-party applications, as the tester requires access to the source code.

Both black-box and white-box testing have their strengths and weaknesses, and each type of testing should be used based on the specific requirements of the system or application. Black-box testing is useful in identifying vulnerabilities that may not be apparent from an insider perspective, while white-box testing provides a comprehensive view of the system’s security posture. Ultimately, a combination of both types of testing may be necessary to ensure the security of the system or application.

Best practices for conducting pentesting:

Preparing for the pen test

· Define the scope and objectives of the pen test.

· Gain a thorough understanding of the AWS environment and its assets.

· Acquire appropriate authorization and permissions for the pentest


· Gather information about the target system and its potential vulnerabilities.

· Identify the network architecture and configuration of the AWS environment.

· Map out potential attack surfaces and entry points.

Vulnerability Analysis

· Conduct a comprehensive scan of the AWS environment.

· Prioritize vulnerabilities based on severity and impact.

· Verify and validate vulnerabilities through manual testing.


· Attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in a controlled and safe manner.

· Maintain detailed records of all exploits performed.

· Identify the potential business impact of successful exploits.


· Produce a detailed report of the pen test results.

· Clearly communicate findings, recommendations, and remediation steps to stakeholders.

· Ensure that sensitive information is protected and that the report does not compromise security.

Commonly acknowledged best practices for each step of the pen testing process:

· Use automated reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning tools, but also supplement with manual testing to validate results.

· Prioritize testing of critical assets and high-risk areas of the AWS environment.

· Leverage real-world attack scenarios to simulate the behavior of an actual attacker.

· Use non-destructive methods whenever possible to avoid impacting the availability or integrity of the system.

· Collaborate with the internal IT and security teams throughout the pen test process.

· Ensure all testing activities are logged and recorded for later analysis and review.

Shared Responsibility Model

The shared responsibility model is an important concept to understand when it comes to pen testing AWS. In this model, both the cloud service provider (CSP) and the customer share responsibility for security in the cloud. AWS provides a secure and compliant infrastructure and a variety of security features and services, but customers are still responsible for securing their own data and applications. This includes conducting regular security assessments, such as pen testing, to identify and address vulnerabilities and threats. In the shared responsibility model, the CSP is responsible for securing the underlying infrastructure, including the physical data centers, network infrastructure, and virtualization layer. AWS provides various security features and services, such as network security groups, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and encryption tools, to help customers secure their applications and data.

Figure 1.15: AWS Shared Responsibility Model


The official statement from AWS on CSP vs. buyer responsibility on security is as follows:

Customer responsibility will be determined by the AWS Cloud services that a customer selects. This determines the amount of configuration work the customer must perform as part of their security responsibilities. For example, a service such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is categorized as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and, as such, requires the customer to perform all the necessary security configuration and management tasks. Customers that deploy an Amazon EC2 instance are responsible for the management of the guest operating system (including updates and security patches), any application software or utilities installed by the customer on the instances, and the configuration of the AWS-provided firewall (called a security group) on each instance.”

However, customers are responsible for securing their own applications, data, and operating systems that run on the AWS infrastructure. This includes managing access control, protecting data at rest and in transit, and implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches. When it comes to pen testing, customers are responsible for conducting their own tests and ensuring that they do not disrupt the AWS infrastructure or other customers. AWS provides guidelines and best practices for conducting pen tests on its infrastructure, but it is up to the customer to follow these guidelines and ensure that their tests are conducted safely and responsibly.

Customers need to understand the shared responsibility model and their cloud security responsibilities. By working together with the CSP and taking a proactive approach to security, customers can help ensure the safety and integrity of their data and applications in the cloud.

In summary, the shared responsibility model is critical to pen testing AWS. It is important for customers to understand their responsibilities for securing their own data and applications while also relying on AWS for a secure and compliant infrastructure. By working together, customers and AWS can help ensure the safety and security of the cloud.


In conclusion, “Introduction to Pentesting on AWS” is an invaluable guide for anyone interested in understanding the basics of penetration testing and its relevance in identifying security vulnerabilities in an AWS environment. The chapter provides readers with a thorough understanding of the key components of AWS, such as compute, storage, and network, and how they can be exploited by attackers.

Additionally, it covers various tools and techniques used in pentesting, including vulnerability scanners, network sniffers, and brute force attacks. The different types of penetration testing, such as black-box testing and white-box testing, are also explained, and readers gain insight into how these can be applied in an AWS environment.

Finally, the chapter concludes with best practices for conducting effective and efficient pentesting on AWS, including proper documentation and communication with stakeholders, as well as an understanding of the AWS shared responsibility model and how it affects security testing in the cloud. Overall, this chapter provides a solid foundation for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of pentesting on AWS and how to effectively secure their cloud infrastructure. The next chapter provides a step-by-step guide on the process of creating a Kali Linux penetration testing platform in AWS with an overview of Kali Linux, essential tools and scripts for penetration testing in AWS. Readers will learn how to create an AWS account, set up an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance, and configure security groups to allow remote access to the virtual machine.

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