Orchid/OXT — The VPNaaS for Cyber Researcher’s

Creating a Multi-Hop VPN connection in 3 minutes…

AWS Cyber Range
5 min readAug 31, 2020


The Orchid blockchain project is an open-Source project is hosted on github and provides a desktop Application on MacOS, iOS and Android. It gives users the ability to purchase VPN service from a decentralized network of trusted VPN providers.

The Orchid Network seeks verified VPN providers who share high-speed and private internet access. The goal of the project is to enhance privacy and limit the leaking of information between the end-user and the desired endpoint/website.

The Orchid multi-hopping use-case provides a user with the ability to setup one-or-many VPN connections very quickly. It focuses on addressing the problem with vpn servers leaking information about the end-user and/or end-point. The Tor network was also referenced as an example where payment incentivizes maximum performance to the customer.

The premise is that by “hopping” not just once but several times, it is possible to make the trail much harder to piece together. Routing traffic from a VPN server first to another VPN server, and then to the destination website, should make unraveling the entire route more difficult. By directing activity through two or more servers, the user can — in theory — prevent any one of them from having the full picture of the user’s actions.
reference: https://blog.orchid.com/what-is-a-hop/

Setting up Multiple Hops

As a Security Researcher, I believe many embrace the opportunity to setup one-or-many VPN connections. This provides the end-user the ability to perform deep research & analysis away from prying eyes.

The application’s VPN provider notes allow the user to create one-or-more strong, secure, & private connections to any Internet facing asset across the world.

I wanted to take a closer look at project and found a few dive blogs which outline the practical usage & potential of the Orchid network. In short users pay for bandwith and providers get paid for sharing high-quality bandwidth.

Orchid Architecture

Core Components

The orchid network is a core set of enterprise applications: In that there is a currency established, an account store, a protocol specification, a payment architecture, Worker nodes, and Staking procedures — all of the components to run a fully regulated ecosystem of privacy focused, highly available marketplace of VPNaaS [vpn as a service].

The first glance at Orchid Setup / Configuration

Orchid Desktop App

Getting started w/ the Orchid Desktop App is really quite easy. The Orchid App is intuitive and easy to use. You can quickly purchase credits and jump into the network or select a custom setup where the screenshot above outlines the expected configurations.

As a new user, you will likely buy orchid credits to tap right into the network.

The custom setup options allow you to use the Orchid network with 1 of 4 common setup options (few images down).

Orchid App Credits

Select 1 of 3 quick App Credit options and get started right away!

I chose the easiest option — to buy an Orchid account and use one of the already registered/verified VPN providers. I decided to purchase $39.99 (the lowest tier).

You are also able to Link an Orchid Account or tap into an existing OpenVPN connection / Wireguard configuration.

You can purchase credits through the Orchid App, or you can link to an Orchid Wallet; Finally you can setup & share an OpenVPN / WireGuard Configuration and use the Orchid Application to manage those connections.

I chose to “Buy Orchid Account” and purchase the smallest tier to test the service out. It connects, provides great speed, and definitely routes my traffic through a VPN in the same timezone. This allows me to add more ‘hops’ — a fancy way of saying another VPN provider. While some individuals might question why a dual or triple layer of vpns is needed at times, others — like myself — can clearly see benefit of a quick, easy, functional Multi-VPN setup.

4 Options

Understanding Orchid VPN Hops

The goal of the Orchid Desktop & Mobile app is to simplify the connection into a ‘trusted social network’ of VPN providers. who focus on privacy, speed, & ease-of-use. Each connection is randomly transmitted to one of the Network Nodes. If you don’t like the service the current provider is giving you then you simply disconnect and reconnect.

Gone are the Days where VPN Subscriptions bind you to a specific service provider and you are charged a standard fee per month for subpar connectivity and dated software. Orchid on the other hand, provides a Pay-AS-You-Go VPN solution.



AWS Cyber Range

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