How to Master of AWS Serverless Services — Learning Methodology

In this article, we are going to see AWS Serverless Services and learn how to master for particular AWS Serverless services with way of learning methodology.

Learning Methodology of AWS Serverless Landscape

I will give introduction about breakdowns of topics and you we can follow your aws journey with way of learning methods. By the end of the article, we will examine AWS Serverless Landscape and vertical way to learn particular AWS Service.

I have just published a new course — AWS Lambda & Serverless — Developer Guide with Hands-on Labs.

2 Dimension of AWS Services

First of all, during the article, we will have 2 dimensions;

  1. The horizontal direction: We will learn AWS Serverless Landscape with grouping services by functionalities.
  2. The vertical direction: We will learn step-by-step guide with different aspects of any particular AWS Serverless service. We will have 4 main step for every particular AWS Serverless services.
2 Dimension of AWS Services

You can see the image about that we separated 2 dimensions. So now, Lets see these horizontal and vertical directions of our course perspective.

The Horizontal Direction — AWS Serverless Landscape

In the horizontal direction, we will see AWS Serverless Landscape that includes almost all serverless services with their own capabilities and functionalities.

The Horizontal Direction — AWS Serverless Landscape

Horizontal flow starts with include main parts and services listed below:

Basics — Serverless Compute, APIs and Data Persistances

  • AWS Lambda — Serverless, Event-driven Compute Service — you don’t worry about servers and machines, you only worry about uploading code.
  • Amazon API Gateway — API-Driven Development for Synchronous Event Sources — Provide to expose rest apis without thinking servers and scaling your api methods.
  • Amazon DynamoDB — Data persistence with NoSQL Serverless Database — NoSQL key-value database that scales horizontally and most popular database in aws serverless resources


Amazon Cognito — Authentication and Authorization in Serverless

Storing & Hosting

Amazon S3 — for Cloud Object Storage in order to store any type of data or deploy our web applications.

AWS Lambda Event-Driven Architectures and Invocation Types

  • AWS Lambda Best Practices and Event-driven Architecture
  • AWS Lambda — Asynchronous invocation
  • AWS Lambda — Lambda event source mappings

AWS Lambda is working with other AWS Services with Asynchronous and event source mapping invocations, so we will learn those topics with developing real-world hand-on projects.

Application Integrations Services — Asynchronous Event Sources — Event-based Architectures

  • Amazon SNS — Fully managed pub/sub messaging
  • Amazon SQS — Fully managed message queues — Message Queues for cross-service communication using (AWS SQS)
  • Amazon EventBridge — Decouple microservices with event-driven approaches

Application Orchestration Services

AWS Step Functions — orchestrate microservices into serverless workflows.

Streams — and Polling Event Source mapping

  • Amazon Dynamo streams
  • Amazon Kinesis Data streams

Serverless Deployment Frameworks — Cloud stack development with IaC

  • CloudFormation — Speed up cloud provisioning with infrastructure as code
  • SAM — Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications.
  • CDK — AWS Serverless Deployments IaC with AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit)
  • Amplify — for building full-stack web and mobile apps faster

The Vertical Direction — Way of Learning Particular AWS Service

We have finished the horizontal direction and now we can focus on the vertical direction. The vertical direction, We will learn step-by-step guide with different aspects of a particular AWS Serverless service. So that means we will examine every particular AWS services with these vertical topics.

The Vertical Direction — Way of Learning Particular AWS Service

For each AWS Serverless services we will have 4 main part;

  1. Theorical Information; AWS Service overview, core concepts, features, uses cases and general information
  2. Walkthrough with AWS Management Console; AWS Service Walkthrough with AWS Management Console performs main use cases
  3. Developing with AWS SDK; AWS Service Programmatic Access interaction with Serverless APIs using AWS SDK or CLI
  4. Hands-on Labs with Real-World Use Cases; AWS Service Hands-on Labs implementation with Real-World Use Cases

These are 4 main topics that we are going to handle almost all AWS Serverless services. By this way we can cover for all aspects of any particular aws services.

For example; when we are learning Amazon SNS, we will have 4 main parts;

1- Amazon SNS: Fully Managed Pub/Sub Messaging

Theorical Information: AWS Service overview, core concepts, features, uses cases and general information.

1- Amazon SNS: Fully Managed Pub/Sub Messaging

2- Getting started with Amazon SNS with AWS Management Console

Walkthrough with AWS Management Console: AWS Service Walkthrough with AWS Management Console performs main use cases.

2- Getting started with Amazon SNS with AWS Management Console

3- Amazon SNS SDK Examples using AWS SDK Javascript v3

Developing with AWS SDK: AWS Service Programmatic Access interaction with Serverless APIs using AWS SDK or CLI.

Amazon SNS SDK Examples using AWS SDK Javascript v3

4- Hands-on Labs : Fan-Out Serverless Architectures Using SNS, SQS and Lambda

Hands-on Labs with Real-World Use Cases : AWS Service Hands-on Labs implementation with Real-World Use Cases.

4- Hands-on Labs : Fan-Out Serverless Architectures Using SNS, SQS and Lambda

When we finished any AWS Serverless services, we have at least 1 hands-on lab for particular AWS Services. For example if we finished Amazon SQS sections and understand the service, we will have several hands-on labs like Fan-out pattern implementations with Amazon SNS, or decouple microservices with Amazon EventBridge and so on. These will mostly includes combination of other AWS services that represents real-word applications.

Serverless Deployment Frameworks

And also in the last parts, we will see how we can do Cloud stack development — IaC with Serverless Deployment Frameworks for any particular aws serverless services. You can count this as a fifth step of our vertical dimension. It develop infrastructure for all aws services and perform interactions with coding interactions.

5. CloudFormation, SAM, CDK — Develop IaC Serverless Frameworks

We will develop combination of AWS Serverless services both infrastructure code and and also actual lambda function code which interacts with other AWS services using AWS SDK libraries.

Step by Step Design AWS Architectures w/ Course

I have just published a new course — AWS Lambda & Serverless — Developer Guide with Hands-on Labs.

In this course, we will learn almost all the AWS Serverless Services with all aspects. We are going to build serverless applications with using AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Cognito, Amazon S3, Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, Amazon EventBridge, AWS Step Functions, DynamoDB and Kinesis Streams. This course will be 100% hands-on, and you will be developing a real-world application with hands-on labs together and step by step.

Source Code

Get the Source Code from Serverless Microservices GitHub — Clone or fork this repository, if you like don’t forget the star. If you find or ask anything you can directly open issue on repository.



Mehmet Ozkaya
AWS Lambda & Serverless — Developer Guide with Hands-on Labs

Software Architect | Udemy Instructor | AWS Community Builder | Cloud-Native and Serverless Event-driven Microservices