Elastic Cloud Compute(EC2)

AWS Training Certification
3 min readJun 17, 2020

provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud.

EC2 Options

  1. On-demand
  • It allows you to pay a fixed rate by hours.
  • Perfect for users who wants the low cost and flexibility EC2.
  • An application with short-term, spiky, or unpredictable workloads that cannot be interrupted.
  • An application being developed or tested on EC2 for the first time.

2. Reserved Instances

  • Provide a capacity reservation, less cost than on-demand but require long-term commitment 1–3 years.
  • Applications will steady state or predictable usage.
  • Applications are required reserved capacity.
  • Have three options:

▹ Standard RI: up to 75% off on-demand

▹ Convertible RI: up to 54% off on-demand

▹ Scheduled RI

3. Spot Instances

  • Enable you to bid whatever price you want for instance capacity.
  • If the price for instances running out, instance terminate immediately.
  • Applications that have flexible start and end times.
  • Applications that are only feasible at very low compute prices.
  • User with an urgent need for a large amount with computed capacity.

4. Dedicated Hosts

  • Physical EC2 server dedicated to your use.
  • Useful for regulatory requirements that may not support multi-tenant virtualization.
  • It can be purchased as On-demand or RI.

EC2 Instance types

  • F1 — Field Programmable Gate Array — Genomic research, financial analytics, real-time video processing, big data, etc.
  • I3 — High-speed storage — NoSQL, DBs, Data Warehousing, etc
  • G3 — Graphic Intensive — Video Encoding/ 3D Application Streaming.
  • H1 — High Disk, Throughput — MapReduce-based workloads, distributed file systems such as HDFS, and MapR-FS.
  • T2 — Lowest Cost, General Propose — Web Server/Small DBs.
  • D2 — Dense Storage — File-servers/Data Warehousing/Hadoop.
  • R4 — Memory Optimized — Memory Intensive Apps/DBs.
  • M5 — General Purpose — Application Servers.
  • C5 — Compute Optimized — CPU Intensive Apps/DBs.
  • P3 — Graphics/General Purpose GPU — Machine Learning, BitCoin Mining, etc.
  • X1 — Memory Optimized — SAP HANA/Apache Spark, etc.
  • Z1D — High compute capacity and a high memory footprint — IDeal for electronic design automation (EDA) and certain relational database workloads with high per-core licensing costs.
  • A1 — Arm-based workloads — Scale-out workloads such as web servers.
  • U-6tb1 — Bare Metal — Bare metal capabilities that eliminate virtualization overhead.

Security Groups

  • A security group is a virtual firewall controlling traffic to your EC2.
  • All inbound traffic is blocked, all outbound traffic is allowed by default.
  • Changes to security groups take effect immediately.
  • You can not block a specific IP address by using Security Groups ( instead use Network Access Control List).
  • Only specify allow rules, but not deny rules.

Placement Groups

When you launch a new EC2 instance, the EC2 service attempts to place the instance in such a way that all of your instances are spread out across underlying hardware to minimize correlated failures.

  1. Cluster Placement Group
  • A group of instances within a single AZ and can not span multi-AZ
  • Low latency, high network throughput

2. Partition Placement Group

  • Max 7 partitions in one AZ, mutil-AZ.
  • Multiple EC2 instances HDFS, HBase and Cassandra.

3. Spread Placement Group

  • Max 7 partitions in one AZ, multi-AZ.
  • For email, file server.
  • Individual Critical EC2 instances.

