
AWS S3 — Hosting a React Web App Using AWS S3

In this tutorial, we will go through the steps required to configure an S3 bucket to host a React.js web application.

Manish Shivanandhan
4 min readNov 12, 2019


Single Page Applications have been massive game-changers in the web application industry. Frameworks like React and Angular have exploded in popularity due to their ease of development and their flexibility in being standalone applications compared to being tied together with backend languages.

In addition to being a file storage service, AWS S3 allows us to host web pages similar to a web hosting service. Though it doesn't support server-side languages like PHP or Node.js, S3 buckets can be configured to render HTML pages as websites.

In this tutorial, we will write a simple react.js application and server it to the world via an S3 bucket.


We are going to use the Calculator App by Andrew Farmer and host it using S3. Even though this site maintains a proper repository, we will quickly grab the HTML file directly from the source of the website.

Go to the project website, and click on ‘view source’, you should see the following few lines of code.



Manish Shivanandhan

Engineer / Product Manager. Writes about Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Product Management. More at