Cloud Academy Courses are waiting for you!

Ivana Sabo
2 min readSep 8, 2016


Greetings AWS User Group Serbia members! We have excellent news for you today — Cloud Academy has supported our group and prepared some great free learning material for all of us. Please stay tuned, more details are coming up!

Who is Cloud Academy?

Cloud Academy is a provider-neutral learning platform that helps both companies and individuals learn Cloud Computing technologies. Cloud Academy is the place where you can learn everything there is to know about Cloud Computing.

As you can guess, Cloud Academy is providing learning materials on all the major Cloud based systems, including Amazon Web Services. Their basis of AWS courses is one of the best that you can find online.

Besides the high level of expertise, Cloud Academy team has made sure that you’re having some fun while learning, so they prepared different types of content, including video courses, quizzes, AWS certification preps, learning paths, hands-on labs, and downloadable courses.

Once you complete selected training, you will get Cloud Academy Certificate — renown document that you can use as an excellent reference.

What has Cloud Academy prepared for AWS User Group Serbia?

Now that you know who is our partner in crime let’s cut to the chase. Cloud Academy has developed an exclusive portal for all AWS User Group Serbia members. All you have to do to access this portal is to register, and all the content that you see is free.

AWS User Group Serbia joined forces with Cloud Academy

At the moment, there are 7 free courses and 3 complete hands-on labs available at the Cloud Academy portal. You can use these resources to learn fundamentals of AWS and see AWS systems in action. These courses are a great first step for introduction with AWS.

See you soon with more great news!

