Exploring Google’s IDX Dashboard: A Personal Experience Report

Paul Hackenberger
Axel Springer Tech
Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2024
Project IDX Logo


As a developer constantly on the lookout for innovative tools to streamline my workflow, I recently had the opportunity to dive into Google’s IDX Dashboard. This experimental project from Google Design promises to revolutionize the way developers build and manage full-stack multi-platform applications, all from within the convenience of a browser.

The approach follows a similar target as the mainframe computers, taking over the load, meanwhile lightweight workstations provide access and interaction.

In this article, I’ll recount my first interaction with IDX Dashboard, highlighting its features, challenges, and my overall impressions.

Initial Setup and Configuration

Upon receiving an invitation email from Google to join the IDX project, I was eager to explore its capabilities. The IDX Dashboard, I discovered, is designed to run directly within a web browser and offers compatibility with Angular, Flutter, and Gemini, among other frameworks. The initial setup process involved configuring my development environment, which primarily revolved around VS Code, Flutter, and relevant extensions. Once configured, I embarked on my journey to explore IDX Dashboard’s functionalities.

Initial setup process

Emulator Integration and Device Simulation

One of the standout features of IDX Dashboard is its seamless integration with emulators and device simulators. Starting up the emulator for my Flutter project was straightforward, with the option to choose from various SDKs. The ability to emulate both Android and web environments directly within the IDE provided a convenient testing ground for my applications; I didn’t find the option to launch an iOS emulator.

Android and Web Simulator windows


However, I encountered some challenges with window management and occasional issues with the debug menu:

  • Once the emulator windows are closed, I didn’t find a way to get them back
  • Sometimes the the floating debug menu was not available

Both could be fixed only by restarting the IDE.

Web Integration and Performance Analysis

As I delved deeper into IDX Dashboard’s capabilities, I was impressed by its robust web integration features. Notably, the inclusion of Lighthouse for web performance analysis added a valuable dimension to my development process. With Lighthouse, I could assess the performance, accessibility, and best practices of the web pages I implemented, receiving actionable feedback to enhance their quality. Despite occasional glitches, such as the Flatside bar failing to load intermittently, the overall web integration experience was commendable.

Gemini Integration: A Closer Look

Among the most intriguing aspects of IDX Dashboard is its Gemini integration, reminiscent of Microsoft’s Copilot. Gemini empowers developers to interact with their code through natural language comments, facilitating collaboration and code comprehension. Intrigued by this feature, I decided to experiment with Gemini to enhance my application’s functionality.

Gemini interaction options

Adding Functionality with Gemini

My first foray into Gemini involved attempting to add a new button to decrease the count of the demo application. However, I encountered challenges in executing this task smoothly, as my attempts to manipulate the code through Gemini’s natural language interface first proved unsuccessful.

Unsuccessful first attempt to add a button to decrease count

A step-by-step attempt, to first add the button, and then let the Gemini provide the missing function to decrease the count, finally was successful.

Despite this initial setback, the potential of Gemini for enhancing code collaboration and communication is evident, and I look forward to exploring its capabilities further.

Future of AI code/workflow assistance tools

In general I would see the AI code assistance, provided by Microsoft Copilot or Gemini as the first step. I am really looking forward to GitHub Copilot Workspace, where the job description of the developer completely changes from (assisted) execution, to the task definition and review only.

Image from Gergely Orosz, writer of The Pragmatic Engineer newsletter


In conclusion, my initial experience with Google’s IDX Dashboard has been both enlightening and promising. While encountering some challenges along the way, such as issues with window management and debugging, the platform’s innovative features, such as emulator integration and Gemini, showcase its potential to revolutionize the development landscape.

Overall I like the browser integration, removing the necessity for local installation and setup. The window management with the emulators and debug menu really have to be revisited, though.

As IDX Dashboard continues to evolve, I am excited to witness its growth and explore the possibilities it holds for developers worldwide.


This article has been created by:

  1. Recording myself with Teams
  2. While trying out the IDX Dashboard, being very vocal about every step and thought I had during the process
  3. Taking screenshots from time to time
  4. The transcription then was fed to ChatGPT-4 to transform the transcript to this technical blog article

