WELT Apps Picks of KotlinConf 24

Sheroziy S
Axel Springer Tech
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2024
From Berlin to Copenhagen with WELT App Team

Once upon a time, the WELT Apps team embarked on an epic journey to the vibrant city of Copenhagen for KotlinConf ’24. Armed with laptops, caffeine, and an insatiable curiosity, they dove into the depths of the conference, surfacing with the most exhilarating topics and insights. From the magic of Kotlin Multiplatform to the wizardry of Reactive Spring Boot, they’ve sifted through the techie treasure trove to bring you the shiniest gems. So grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and join us on a whimsical tour through the highlights of KotlinConf ’24, where innovation meets inspiration!

KMP (Kotlin Multiplatform)

The Kotlin Multiplatform Project (KMP) is a revolutionary step in software development, allowing developers to use a single codebase across multiple platforms. This tool has gained significant attention in the development community for its efficiency and versatility. The recent conference in Copenhagen highlighted its importance and demonstrated how it can streamline development processes, particularly in Android and backend systems.

KMP allows for the sharing of code between different platforms such as iOS, Android, and the web, making it easier to maintain and develop applications. The discussions emphasized the seamless integration of KMP with existing tools and its ability to leverage Kotlin’s features for cross-platform development. This not only reduces the time and effort required for development but also ensures consistency across platforms.

PowerAsset Testing Plugin

Testing is a crucial aspect of software development, and the PowerAsset Testing Plugin for Kotlin is designed to enhance this process. This plugin, now integrated as part of Kotlin, provides a robust framework for unit tests, enabling developers to write and manage tests more efficiently.

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The plugin supports various testing strategies and integrates well with existing CI/CD pipelines, ensuring that the testing process is streamlined and effective. It offers advanced features like mocking, stubbing, and test coverage analysis, which are essential for maintaining high code quality and reliability. The presentation showcased how the PowerAsset Testing Plugin can simplify the testing process, making it more intuitive and less time-consuming for developers.

Reactive Spring Boot

Spring Boot, known for its simplicity and ease of use, has evolved with the introduction of reactive programming. Reactive Spring Boot brings a new paradigm to handling asynchronous operations, making applications more responsive and scalable. This approach is particularly beneficial for systems that require high concurrency and low latency.

The use of coroutines in Reactive Spring Boot was a focal point of discussion. Coroutines provide a way to write asynchronous code that is as easy to read and write as synchronous code. They offer significant performance improvements over traditional threading models, making them ideal for modern backend services. The team highlighted their extensive use of coroutines to enhance the performance and responsiveness of their applications.

Source: workshop by kotlinConf 24

AWS Lambda Performance with Spring Boot

AWS Lambda, a serverless computing service, allows developers to run code without provisioning or managing servers. Integrating AWS Lambda with Spring Boot brings the best of both worlds: the simplicity of Spring Boot and the scalability of AWS Lambda. This combination can significantly boost the performance and efficiency of applications.

One of the key topics was how to enhance AWS Lambda performance using coroutines. Coroutines can optimize the execution of Lambda functions, reducing latency and improving throughput. However, it’s essential to understand the context in which Lambdas operate. They are typically small, simple programs designed to handle specific tasks and are invoked on demand. The discussion emphasized that while coroutines can be beneficial, their application should be carefully considered based on the specific use case.

The panelists shared insights into the practical aspects of using coroutines with AWS Lambda. They discussed scenarios where coroutines could make a significant difference, such as when handling multiple asynchronous requests or when the Lambda function needs to interact with various external resources concurrently. However, for simpler use cases, traditional sequential processing might still be sufficient.


In the end, the conference provided a deep dive into the latest advancements in Kotlin Multiplatform, the PowerAsset Testing Plugin, Reactive Spring Boot, and AWS Lambda performance optimization. These tools and techniques are shaping the future of software development, offering new ways to build, test, and deploy applications more efficiently. By leveraging these technologies, developers can create more responsive, scalable, and maintainable applications, driving innovation and excellence in the industry.

Thanks for reading and till next time…




Sheroziy S
Axel Springer Tech
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