AxelarSea launches novel NFT Cross-Chain Bridging Standard

AxelarSea Team
5 min readMay 8, 2022


We are delighted to announce the release of our second primary feature, the metadata-preserving NFT Bridge, a novel solution that is setting a new standard for the next era. Users are encouraged to check out the bridge at and the tutorial here. Currently, we support any-to-any bridge on five EVM testnet chains, as following.

  • Ethereum testnet (Ropsten)
  • Avalanche Fuji testnet
  • Fantom testnet
  • Moonbeam Alpha testnet
  • Polygon Mumbai testnet

We’d like to invite users to try this feature out with the reward of a special “NFT Bridge Tester” role on our Discord.

Event deadline: TBD

What’s the big deal?

When an NFT is bridged through AxelarSea’s NFT Bridge, the original one is locked on the source chain while a new NFT is minted on the destination chain. Due to the innovation of General Message Passing, all of the metadata (collection id, NFT stats, etc.) are preserved meaning that it is possible to trace back and authenticate that the newly-minted NFT on destination chain is indeed coming from the one locked on the source chain. This allows the full utilization of NFT by combining its usage with GameFi, DeFi, or simply enjoying a lower trading fees.

Further details will be explained in further announcements.

How to get the “NFT Bridge Tester” role?

Make sure that you’ve completed the following tasks. Some of these tasks are the same as the ones required for Testnet v1 role. If you’ve completed them before, you do NOT need to do it again.

  1. Retweet this tweet
  2. Mint an NFT on at least three supported EVM chains: Ethereum testnet (Ropsten), Avalanche Fuji testnet, Fantom testnet, Moonbeam Alpha testnet, and Polygon Mumbai testnet.
  3. Place at least one of your NFTs on sale with the price greater than 0.1 LUNA or 10 UST.
  4. Buy at least one NFT by making a purchase from either TerraStation or Keplr. (Recommended: TerraStation)
  5. [New!] Bridge one of your NFTs in a loop with at least 2 side chains.
    For example, users can bridge an NFT from Avalanche > Fantom > Moonbeam > Avalanche to complete the loop.
Example eligible loop for the bridging quest.

What are we trying to show? Our novel NFT Bridge is a complete any-to-any chain bridge (not just a simple pair-wise). For example, in a traditional bridge, if an user bridges an NFT from Avalanche > Fantom, the only way he can get back his NFT on Avalanche is to bridge back from Fantom only. However, in our example, user are able to bridge the NFT further into other chains while still be able to claim back the original NFT on the source chain.

  • (Guide) How to mint and place an NFT on sale: here
  • (Guide) How to buy an NFT: here
  • (Guide) How to bridge an NFT: here

Users can check on their progress by clicking on the “Live on Testnet” button on top of our page.

How to claim the “NFT Bridge Tester” role?

  • Join our Discord server at
  • Access the #verify channel. Click on the blue “Join AxelarSea” button of bot to link your MetaMask wallet with the bot. Make sure to link the same wallet address as the one that have completed all the tasks above.
  • If you’ve completed all the tasks, click on the blue “Join AxelarSea” button once again.

What are these roles for?

We can’t say anything much at the moment, but there is something big just around the corner.


Q: I had so many issues the last time that, despite the fact that the transactions had already been confirmed, the NFT did not appear. Is this issue resolved?
A: YES! We’ve built a new database infrastructure that, fingers crossed, will completely eliminate this problem. Every mint, sell, buy, and bridge should be accurately reflected!

Q: Why does it take so long to bridge an NFT?
A: The required time is determined by several factors, including congestion on the source and destination networks, as well as the procedure through Axelar Network threshold signature schemes. We are collaborating with related parties to reduce processing time.

Q: Why does it require such a high gas fee?
A: This problem usually occurs when users attempt to send an NFT to the Ethereum chain. Users must cover the fees on the destination chain (by paying from the source chain), and the gas fee on the Ethereum chain is simply absurdly high. Try changing the destination chain to something other than Ethereum.

Q: Why does it take significantly longer time trying to bridge an NFT from Polygon chain?
A: Polygon Mumbai Testnet has quite a unique infrastructure that require a large amount of blocks to confirm. This structure does not exist on Polygon Mainnet so this issue will not arise when AxelarSea is released.

Q: Why can’t I see some of my NFTs in the eligible list to bridge?
A: You can only bridge an NFT that is not listed for sale.

