How to claim the “Testnet Tester” role?



[Update] Deadline: You have until Sun 24th Apr 23:59 (UTC) to receive the role. You can still test our prototype afterward but you will not receive the “Testnet Tester” role.

Please follow the instructions below to claim your “Testnet v1 Tester” role on AxelarSea Discord.

  • Go to and click “Testnet Check” on the top right corner. [On mobile, please access through internet browser app, not on MetaMask app]
  • Enter your MetaMask wallet address and press “enter”
  • Make sure that all the required tasks turned green, as shown below. Be reminded that you don’t need to make any buy.
  • [Update] Due to the unstable nature of the chains, we’ve waived the requirements to mint an NFT on Ethereum Testnet (Ropsten) and Polygon Mumbai Testnet.
Fig 1: Testnet Check page with all tasks completed
  • Go back to AxelarSea Discord and access the #verify channel. Click on the blue “Join AxelarSea” button of bot again.
Fig 2: Click “Join AxelarSea” button again

That’s it. You should see the “Testnet v1 Tester” role under your profile, and you should see a special channel #tester-hangout.


If you have followed the steps described above but still haven’t received the role, please check if the wallet address connected to is the correct one, by

  • Go to
  • Connect the MetaMask wallet to the website
  • If you see AxelarSea under “Your guild”, the wallet address on the top right corner is the address that is our database. Make sure that it is the same address that you’ve completed the tasks with.
Fig 3: The wallet address that is currently in the AxelarSea Guild

If you still have a problem, please open a ticket on our Discord server. Please send the following information as proof:

  • Screenshot of all the “Testnet Check” page with all tasks being green.
    [Similar to Fig 1.]
  • Screenshot of the wallet address that is in AxelarSea Guild [Like Fig 3.]
  • Your wallet address

