2Kings Build

Building StewMac’s 22nd most popular kit of 2022

Patrick Martin
Axes Xplained
3 min readJan 12, 2023


This is another one of those “much talked about — rarely owned” items.

Stewmac claim to make a decent replica.

Here’s a montage of the steps

It’s a complex beast. It has 11 diodes and 1 DIP switch.
There is a choice to be made in the build: I chose the high gain option, because why not?

The DIP switch allows for clean boost and 2 types of distortion, I chose to have one of each — I think — although the instructions could have been clearer.

The build is longer, but is no fiddlier than the Ghost Drive and is in the same size box.

There was a tiny erratum with a missing pre-placed resistor in one diagram that had me double checking for a bit, but otherwise it’s pretty straightforward.

How does it sound?

Here’s another video: all playing, no talking.

I’ve barely scratched the surface with this: there is so much to be done with just the one pedal, even before I unscrew the back and play with the DIP switch. It seems to sound best when paired with an Marshall style amp/cab (simulation will do, no doubt) to temper the tone. I am looking forward to trying it out in anger!



Patrick Martin
Axes Xplained

Person. blah blah about me ... WAIT CLIMATE CANCER WE CAN BEAT IT PEOPLE ... all opinions my own