Installing the 10 way switch — voiding your warranty edition

Some modifications will need to be made.

Patrick Martin
Axes Xplained
3 min readMay 27, 2023


Previously on easy mode…

In a previous episode we had an HSS guitar and plenty of room to fit a freeways switch

In this case, the challenge is that space is rather tight on an Ibanez Sabre.

Yes, the edge is that thin.

It’s very curvaceous

Yes, there is a mind blowing optical illusion

in person, it’s hard to credit this section is flat

Because that section is flat (enough)

The usual “international” standard pickup selector: proof that the components are flat where they join
And the real sleight of hand: it’s angling the switch
comparing the replacement part with the old and the space available
It seems tight, but “do-able”?

My Conclusions before starting

The body cavity in the Sabre is an interesting shape, and the pickup selector holder both angles the switch so that it fits into the body cavity, and also allows the switch to protude out of the body cavity.

The new switch is a little wider, requiring

  1. a wider gap in the body
  2. some scooping out of the pickup holder
  3. some sanding down of the PCB slice of the switch to ensure a fit

That’s a lot of modifications: the selector holders are obtainable for around £10, so no worries there, but routing out more wood from the top needs careful thought.

Masking out the outline, it looked like there would be enough overlap to ensure there wasn’t a visible gap.

So, off we go

mask off and carefully, carefully have a go
I was very happy to find that the built in angle into the selector just sneaks the part in
no cheating required




Patrick Martin
Axes Xplained

Person. blah blah about me ... WAIT CLIMATE CANCER WE CAN BEAT IT PEOPLE ... all opinions my own