Axia Consulting: IT Project Proposal

Jacob Moller
Axia Consulting
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2015

Preparation tips and proposal checklists for IT project proposals

IT project proposal preparation

The 2 main types of internal it project proposal for replacing systems, such as a CRM system are:

• outline proposal for system selection (and system replacement in principle) — to obtain approval for limited funds to undertake the system selection process

• detailed proposal to implement a replacement system — carried out at the end of the system selection process — to obtain approval for much larger funds to purchase software, hardware, consultancy, training and implement the chosen system

If your organisation has a defined internal project approval process or framework, you will have to closely follow it if you wish to obtain project approval. If there is no defined process, you will have greater choice as to what and how to include in a proposal. But this probably makes it harder, so consider the following points when preparing your IT project proposal:

Understand what your key project drivers are eg cost containment, time scale, project quality. Once known, make sure you give this adequate emphasis within the proposal.

Consider the proposal recipients ie the executive management / board, what they are looking for, the information they require and what is important to them and the organisation. Then provide the information they require eg if they want details give them, if not don’t. If you are unsure what they want — find out, before preparing the proposal. Picture them going through your proposal with a checklist — does your proposal tick all the boxes?

Plan the proposal before you write it and then stick to the plan.

Try to get it right the first time, as rewriting / editing can take up a lot of time.

For each proposal plan item consider the executive’s requirements, their evaluation criteria, emphasis.

Purpose of proposal eg to persuade the executive management / board to

• replace the system in principle

• approve and fund the proposed course of action

Put the most important information up front. Say what the project will do for them ie the benefits. Use positive statements.

State clearly what actions you want them to do eg review the it project proposal, approve the project, approve funding.

Consider using story boards or annotated outlines to build an outline proposal first and then fill in the detailed information for each story board or heading.

Consider preparing the proposal using a single author or a team. It is a lot of work for one person, who needs to have all the required skills. Using multiple authors spreads the workload, but requires careful control, communication, collaboration and proposal editing.

