AXIA 101: AXshield VPN

Published in
5 min readAug 5, 2022


This week marked another exciting launch at AXIA with the official unveiling of the free AXshield VPN for the entire global AXIA community and beyond. AXshield brings to market a versatile, reliable and more inclusive VPN than what currently exists, and can also be highly impactful in terms of welcoming millions of users into the AXIA Ecosystem from around the world.

August is a big month for AXIA. With the security audit for the AXIA Network well underway and the AXIA team working hard to complete AXswap, the blockchain’s first decentralized exchange, the project team is also launching three new apps into the ecosystem; AXshield, AXpress and AXconnect. While much more information will be shared on the latter two app releases in the near term, today’s update is focused on the former and all of the benefits it can bring to AXIANs everywhere.

AXshield basics

The AXIA team previously introduced the integration of the AXshield proxy into the AXplorer use-to-earn browser. While that launch was meaningful as it enabled AXplorer users to surf the web via proxy, the AXshield VPN is now being introduced to provide a higher level of utility, versatility and security across any activities on computers and mobile devices, and is not specific to browser usage. In order to truly define the importance of VPNs and the role they play for internet users, let’s start with the basics.

What is a VPN?

A VPN or ‘Virtual Private Network’ provides users with a greater level of privacy and security while using the internet by extending a private network over the top of the public one they are using. With AXshield, all incoming and outgoing communications are encrypted and sent to a private server before they are delivered.

Using a VPN can provide much-needed security and protection to internet users around the world.

Why are VPNs important?

There are a huge amount of use cases for VPNs that range from extremely important to adding minor conveniences to online experiences. Here’s a quick list of some of the ways that VPNs are used around the world:

  • Avoiding tracking by invasive marketers
  • Avoiding censorship by authoritarian governments
  • Accessing region-specific content
  • Securing your connection when using public WiFi or working remotely
  • Protecting your data and personal information

These are just a few of the use cases users tap into through VPN usage. There are many more, but ultimately VPNs help individuals enjoy a greater level of privacy, security and protection while using the internet.

How is AXshield different from other VPNs?

First of all, it is free. Some VPNs can cost hundreds of dollars for a subscription while providing users with the same service they can now get for free with AXshield. Secondly, AXshield does not log or retain any user data or logs. Some VPNs track user data, which is then repurposed in order to make a profit — that is not the case with AXshield.

AXshield is free, so users can keep saving their funds for what matters.

What are some of the important features of AXshield?

Cross-device protection — When AXshield is activated on, say, your cell phone, it is protecting the entirety of activity taking place on that device. From browsing social media to accessing email and sending personal messages, all of your activity is covered and encrypted.

Kill Switch — When enabled this prevents any application from connecting to the internet unless you are connected to a VPN server.

Users can activate a built-in Kill Switch for an added layer of protection while using AXshield.

Split Tunneling — This feature allows you to select applications that will not be affected by the VPN, should you wish to do so.

Multiple server locations — Access servers in a variety of countries, including Canada, the United States, Germany and England. More and more will be added moving into the future.

AXshield enables users to tap into multiple server locations around with the world, with more and more to be added over time.

One-click connection — AXshield makes using a VPN easier than ever before via a one-click connection. Simply click the ‘Start’ button in the middle of the app and you’re connected.

The future of AXshield

This week’s launch is just the start for AXshield. It can become the go-to VPN for millions of users around the world due to all of the advantages it offers them that have been outlined throughout this blog post.

VPN usage is growing immensely around the world. Here are some statistics that highlight the growing importance of the technology:

-The industry is expected to reach a $44.6 billion market size in 2022

-There are 1.2 billion (31% of all internet users) that use VPNs

-91% of adults believe consumers have lost control over how information is collected

The launch of the AXshield VPN is another step in the evolution of AXIA. It helps further the project’s aim of elevating data protection while also providing an enhanced level of privacy and security for users around the world that are connected to the internet. AXshield is inclusive, free (with no hidden charges whatsoever) and can serve as yet another pathway into the AXIA Ecosystem for a whole new segment of the global population. It is one of a series of launches to come in August, and one that can have a substantial impact on the project for years to come.



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