A guide on how to swap your bridged FRAX to canonical native tokens on the Avalanche network

Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2021

This guide will demonstrate how to swap bridged FRAX to canonical FRAX and/or other native tokens on Avalanche.


There are currently two different FRAX tokens on the Avalanche network. The first is the anyFRAX token, which is black and purple, and is used by Multichain, previously known as Anyswap. The second is the canonical native FRAX token, which is red, and is used by Axial.

Converting to canonical native FRAX

Step 1

  • Please head to the Frax Cross Chain bridge page:


  • Make sure to choose the Avalanche chain from the drop-down menu:

Step 2

  • Choose anyFRAX from the From menu and FRAX from the To menu.

Step 3

  • A MetaMask transaction will pop-up to approve your spending, click “Confirm.”*
*Wait for the transaction to go through for the spending approval and once complete head to the next step.

Step 4

  • A MetaMask transaction will pop-up to swap your FRAX tokens. Click “Confirm.”*
Please wait for the swap to complete.
Congratulations! You have now swapped your bridged FRAX tokens for canonical FRAX. Token address is 0xd24c2ad096400b6fbcd2ad8b24e7acbc21a1da64.

Step 5 ( Further steps to swap from canonical FRAX)

  • Head over to Axial exchange (https://app.axial.exchange/#/) to swap your canonical FRAX for the stablecoins available. DAI.e is chosen below as an example.

Step 7

  • A MetaMask transaction will pop-up to approve your spending, click “Confirm.”

Step 8

  • A MetaMask transaction will pop-up to swap your FRAX tokens, click “Confirm.”
Once complete, you will have your chosen stablecoin in your wallet.

Important note: Throughout the guides, the gas price was 25 GWEI. During network congestion time you may see increased transaction fees.

Canonical (native) FRAX/FXS: The pure protocol liability natively issued/minted/redeemed by the protocol & AMOs. Canonical FRAX has the default colors of that specific network and the logo of that network at the center. Native FXS has the native colors and logo of the chain at the bottom right. Thus, any canonical/native FRAX/FXS always displays the network logo somewhere on the coin.

Bridged FRAX/FXS: Tokens that are brought to the current chain from another network using a supported bridge protocol. The naming convention for bridged tokens maintains a prefix designation for the bridge used to bring them to the current network. Ex: AnySwap bridged FRAX from ETH to AVAX is known as anyFRAX on AVAX while it is simply canonical FRAX on ETH. The colors and logo of the bridge protocol are prominently display on the FRAX/FXS token to clearly distinguish which bridge they originated from within the current network.
Source: https://docs.frax.finance/cross-chain/bridge

