Axie Infinity Classic Makes Tournament Comeback

MVP’s CaraCute takes the top spot in the largest Axie Infinity: Classic tournament since AxieCon.

Enzo | BattleRiot
Axie Archives
2 min readMar 2, 2023


Lunacian Code: BattleRiot

The Axie Infinity community shows their classic gameplay some love as Esports 4 Everyone (E4E) recently hosted the Axie Classic Comeback Tournament.

The tournament was held last February 27 and saw MVP’s CaraCute beat Sura’s Ralo to take home the championship. Cara bested seven other players invited to the double elimination tournament, among them were AxieCon champion, Supercheria, and four time classic Axie arena champion, Indes.

“I was probably the least favored to win this event so it feels amazing [to win it all], I didn’t expect,” CaraCute shared her experience. “It as the off-season and I had time so I was able to do some preparations and scrim some games with my teammates. There were actually a lot of rust from all of the players, including me, since it’s our first time playing v2 after several months. I had some misplays that cost me some games, but so did my opponents.”

Cara had to go through Metat8’s Mino and Supercheria to get to the finals to have a rematch with the Ralo, whom Cara beat in the second round. Thunderstruck, Indes, Kouseii, and Polaco complete the eight player roster for the tournament. MVP’s team captain sealed the championship with a four nutcracker play from her mech backline to defeat Ralo’s backlane aqua and win the finals four games to two in round 8.

The final play for the championship. Source: E4E Twitter

With Axie Infinity: Origins currently in its offseason, there has been growing sentiment within the community to bring Axie Classic back, even if it follows a rewards structure similar to the first season of Axie DoLL. Though there has been no official plans yet coming from Sky Mavis regarding Axie Classic, the Comeback tournament champ would love to compete in more Axie Classic tournaments.

“Yes, I would love to compete! MVP still have v2 Axies, we didn’t sell anything after v2 retired so we still have them in our accounts,” Cara said enthusiastically. “As for the future of classic, there are players who likes to play Classic even though there is no SLP gained that shows that this game is still loved by many. I’m excited to know their plans on how to bring it back. I have been playing v2 for more than 1 year so all I can say is the muscle memory is still there.”

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Enzo | BattleRiot
Axie Archives

Blockchain Gaming Economist. Axie Infinity Community Member. A gamer that writes about Web3 games.