PH Axie Community Reaches New Heights With Axie Climb 2023

The first Philippine community Axie meetup for 2023 had a tournament to go with free bouldering sessions

Enzo | BattleRiot
Axie Archives
3 min readFeb 8, 2023


Lunacian Code: BattleRiot

The Philippine Axie Community recently concluded its first meetup for the year through a community initiated event called Axie Climb.

Axie Climb took place at the Bouldering Hive rock-climbing gym in Circuit Makati last February 6. The event featured a small tournament with a $1000 prize and unlimited use of the gym’s rock-climbing facilities. The organizing group wanted to promote both climbing and Axie Infintiy through this event. Some climbers even went as far as asking the Axie PH community what Axie is, while the community got some tips in climbing.

“We wanted to offer something different to the community. We want something new, and something that offers a more active interaction,” OxGil, one of the organizing mebmers, told the Axie Archives. “Why not have a tournament in a climbing gym? It’s random and unrelated, but we had this idea of having Axie giveaways for finishing a certain problem/route, and we did just that. The challenge, however is convincing axie players to attend our event. So we decided to host a small axie tournament on the side. That’s how AxieClimb was made.”

Summer Axies were given out as prizes to the first person who could finish specific courses inside the gym. A $100 $RON raffle was also set up for anyone who would post a video of them finishing a course on Twitter with the hashtag #AxieClimb.

“This Axie Climb meetup is the best. It has activity of Bouldering Hive that you never experience before,” METAT8’s Queen told the Axie Archives. “My most memorable experience is having fun in climbing with the girls. It was not easy but we try and try again even if it started to hurt.”

Even those who joined the tournament had fun trying out the different courses available.

“It was a fun event which I think the community focused more on the climb than the tournament itself,” Wam, a pro player of METAT8, shared. “It was my first time to climb and I enjoyed it immediately. I didn’t perform well during the tournament, but still really enjoyed the event because of the activities there.”

Due to time limitations, the top four placers agreed to combine their respective seed’s prizes and split the pot evenly.

“The event actually did better than what we expected. Initially, we thought that only a few would try climbing, turned out, most actually attempted climbing at least one problem/route. The only thing that I wish we could have done is starting it earlier, and maybe a better production,” OxGil shared.

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Enzo | BattleRiot
Axie Archives

Blockchain Gaming Economist. Axie Infinity Community Member. A gamer that writes about Web3 games.