Announcing: Axie Infinity Partners With MakerDAO!

Axie Infinity
Axie Infinity
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2019


  • Axie Infinity is teaming up with MakerDAO!
  • We’re kicking off our partnership with a special NFT event for CDP holders.
  • For a limited time, CDP owners can claim unique DAI-themed Axie NFTs!
  • The Maker Foundation has also graciously agreed to bestow DAI upon some of the finest Axie trainers.

We’re delighted to announce Axie Infinity is teaming up with MakerDAO to conduct an experiment that combines open Finance & Nonfungible Tokens!

As blockchain enthusiasts, we’ve been fascinated by the accomplishments of the Maker team and we believe that cooperating with them will blur the lines separating blockchain games and open finance in interesting new ways!

Exclusive NFT for MAKER CDP holders

For a limited time, CDP owners can claim unique DAI-themed Axie NFTs!

Rare: Claimable through wallets that have drawn at least 150 DAI from CDPs.

Epic: Claimable through wallets that have drawn at least 1,500 from CDPs.

Mystic: Claimable through wallets that have drawn at least 15,000 DAI from CDPs.

Please note that you need to keep your CDPs open until at least June 30th to qualify. The NFT will be issued in mid-July.

If you require assistance or have any questions related to this special event please join the Axie Discord channel and post in #support!

Check out this interview with Aleksander from Axie and Gustav from MakerDAO to find out more!

Item details:

We are NFT enthusiasts and believe in using them for social signaling. In a sense, these items will function as badges but they will also have utility in our universe.

Item Effects

Here are the item effects!


Axies have a 1% greater chance to spill LUNA when travelling over land this item is placed on.

Only 1 item with this mechanic can be placed on each land plot.


Axies have a 2% greater chance to spill LUNA when travelling over land this item is placed on.

Only 1 item with this mechanic can be placed on each land plot.


Axies have a 5% greater chance to spill LUNA when travelling over land this item is placed on.

Only 1 item with this mechanic can be placed on each land plot.

Why are you doing this?

We believe that Blockchain games can be a laboratory for exciting experiments in open finance.

Many people have acquired their first cryptocurrency to play Axie Infinity and we’ve seen some of them start exploring products like MakerDAO, Dharma, and DYDX.

Due to this interesting dynamic, we wanted to formally acknowledge the Maker team’s contributions with this special event.

We also see this event as a formal invitation for all CDP holders to join our community and start exploring the Axie universe.

Earn Dai by Playing Axie Infinity!

The Maker Foundation has graciously agreed to bestow DAI upon some of the finest Axie trainers. Here’s how it’ll work:

  • 1000 DAI will be distributed to the top Axie trainers for Season 1 of the Axie ladder.
  • 1000 DAI will also be added to the prize pool for our first real-time battle tournament.

If you’re interested in doing a similar promotion please reach out to us at

Also, make sure to join the MakerDAO community through these channels:




That’s it for now!

Disclaimer: Dai is a stable coin collateralized by digital assets. Dai has value and utility beyond its use in Axie [games/apps/]. Creating and using a Collateralized Debt Position (“CDP”) on the MakerDAO system requires a user to lock up digital assets in the CDP, and those assets cannot be accessed or transferred while the CDP is open and active. In order to retrieve one’s digital assets, a CDP user must pay back the full amount of Dai drawn from the CDP and any related fees.

For more information please join the conversation on our Discord or follow us on Twitter. Also, remember to clap and share to spread the Axie revolution!

Axie Infinity:

