Axie Infinity
Axie Infinity
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2018


Axie Infinity Reward System

Dear Axie Infinity Community Members,

We’ve had so much fun watching this community develop. In a few months, we’ve gone from a small, upstart project to one of the few legitimate decentralized games on the market. This is only the 1st inning of a very long adventure.

In order to bring this game to the next level, we have designed an incentive-based rewards system that we believe will facilitate creativity and reward hard work from our community.

We are excited to announce the launch of 2 new community incentive mechanisms:

  1. The Axie Infinity Content Creator System
  2. The Axie Infinity Player Council

First, The Axie Infinity Content Bounty system will help us unlock the latent potential of our community and reward them for their effort+skills. Here’s the initial structure:

Content Bounty System

We will take submissions of all types of content and then “grade” that content based on its quality and the amount of effort that went into creating it.

Rewards will be paid in game assets — the higher the “grade” given by our content review process, the more game assets the creator will receive. Initially, there will be 3 grades. Spam/junk content will not receive a grade and will be thrown away. If your content is on the border, we will make some suggestions for getting over the finish line.

Community tools

Tools will be awarded a one time reward, the reward will be decided by Trung.


Please note that even streamers will also receive rewards based on the grade of their content.

Please contact Psycheout on discord to negotiate a deal.


In addition, we are open to hosting community driven events! If you have an idea that you want to drive forward please message @jihoz, our community manager with a short description of your idea! We will never assume that the best ideas for this game will originate from our “official” team

Feats of Glory

Truly special content may qualify for a type of special recognition we are calling a “feat of glory”. We don’t expect these to happen very often but when they do, the prizes will be epic.

Axie Infinity Player Council

Over the last few months we have been scouting out top members of this community. We recognize the time and effort that many of you put into helping spread this game and we want a formal system to empower you and enact change.

Over the coming weeks we will be assembling a player council made of the top community members that we’ve noticed so far. Members of the player council will have additional responsibilities in this discord and will receive quarterly rewards for helping us make our shared Axie dreams come true.

Player council members will be selected based on their merits,skills, and dedication to the community.

See you in Discord!

The Axie Infinity Team

For more information please join the conversation on our Discord or follow us on Twitter. Also remember to clap and share if you like this content.

Axie Infinity:

