NFT Rights for Axie Owners and Artists

Axie Infinity
Axie Infinity
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2020

Dear Axie community,

We have seen a surge in player activity lately and subsequently, more artists have started to create fanart inspired by Axie Infinity. We are amazed by some of these creations and love to see how creative our community is.

Example of art pieces that we love:

Artist: Reilzz
Artist: Nuu_Art

The above examples are original creations and do not use our existing assets, but are inspired by Axies that the creators either own or create on behalf of the owner.

Until this point, our terms of use have strictly prohibited anyone from using Axie Infinity IP commercially unless given our explicit permission. We have now updated the terms of use to allow Axie NFT owners to create fanart, and monetize their fanart and merchandise commercially, given that they follow our terms:

  1. Anyone creating fanart of Axies needs to either own the Axie they are creating fan art from or receive permission from that Axies owner.
  2. Fan artwork must not use official Axie assets, but creating unique art using Axie assets as inspiration is acceptable.
  3. The artwork must clearly state “Axie Infinity Fanart”, link to, and link directly to the Axie that is being used for inspiration.
  4. An Axie NFT can be used to generate a maximum of $10,000 in revenue before an official license agreement has to be signed. The revenue can come from either fanart (tokenized or physical) or merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, hoodies, etc).

Creating original fanart without monetizing it is fine too, in fact then we do not require you to own the Axies — but seeking consent from the Axie owner is the correct approach.

Ending notes

A new industry is being created and we are on the bleeding edge. This requires us to be flexible and we believe this approach is the best at the moment. The terms are subject to change at any time we see fit. For the avoidance of doubt, Sky Mavis PTE. LTD, the core team creating Axie Infinity, reserves the right to decide whether or not something is defined as ‘fan artwork’ or not. Derivative works that seek to exploit the Axie Infinity universe will not be tolerated. Third-party marketplaces that provide the opportunity to ‘mint’ NFTs are encouraged to contact us directly at in case of confusion. Creators wishing to get in touch with us about a licensing agreement can do so at

You can stay up to date with the latest terms at

