BERT : A Machine Learning Model for Efficient Natural Language Processing

David Cochard
Published in
7 min readAug 15, 2021

This is an introduction to「BERT」, a machine learning model that can be used with ailia SDK. You can easily use this model to create AI applications using ailia SDK as well as many other ready-to-use ailia MODELS.


BERT is a machine learning model that serves as a foundation for improving the accuracy of machine learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Pre-trained models based on BERT that were re-trained on big data to solve a variety of domain-specific NLP tasks are publicly available (BioBERT for biomedical text, SciBERT for scientific publications, ClinicalBERT for clinical notes).

Usage examples of BERT


This is a task to predict masked words. It can be used to proofread sentences.


BERT-based model to perform named entity recognition from text. It can tag whether the input word is the name of a person, a place, or an organization.

Sentiment Analysis

This task infers sentiments from text. It is for example possible to classify whether the input string is positive or negative.

Question Answering

Given a context sentence and a question, this task computes a plausible answer to the question. It can be used for example to generate chatbots automated responses.

Zero Shot Classification

Given a sentence and a list of categories, this task can compute which category the sentence belongs to. It can perform this task without specific re-training.


BERT has been trained using two strategies named Masked LM (MLM) and Next Sentence Prediction (NSP).

Masked LM is a task where you mask a part of the text and the model then tries to guess the word that were masked using other context words. For example, by giving the sentence “I have watched this [MASK] and it was awesome”, one possible answer from the model would be “I have watched this movie and it was awesome”.

Next Sentence Prediction is a task where the model gets as input pairs of sentences and it learns to predict if the second sentence is the next sentence in the original text as well. 50% of the time the sentences are actually consecutive, and 50% of the time they are random sentences.

BERT splits the input text into words and converts words into tokens. Each token is assigned a number associated with the word, then used as input features.

BERT input representation (Source:

Fine Tuning

Trained BERT-based models are rarely used as-is, but are generally fine-tuned (transfer training) to perform similar tasks on another dataset.

Similarly, when training a model for image recognition, it is common to use weights trained on ImageNet, a large data set, as initial values. Starting from weights trained on ImageNet allows the model to be trained on new images from a smaller dataset in a shorter amount of time and reduce overfitting issues compared to learning the weights from scratch.

The same idea is applied to BERT which has been initially trained using a large data se to grasp the relationships between words. Then new models can be trained on small specialized dataset to obtain good accuracy and avoid overfitting.

Fine-Tuning (Source:

BERT has achieved significant accuracy improvements in various tasks such as GLUE (General Language Understanding Evaluation) and SQuAD (The Stanford Question Answering Dataset).

BERT performance (Source:


Transformers is a Pytorch implementation of BERT which allows for fine tuning on custom data sets using Pytorch.

Transformers includes a pre-trained model for the Japanese language. In addition, the tokenizer included in Transformers can be used to morphologically analyze Japanese and convert it into tokens. Internally, Mecab and its Python wrapper, Fugashi, are used.

Using Transformers for fine tuning BERT

Using Transformers, we will try to solve a text classification problem by fine tuning BERT. The goal is to predict whether a given text has a positive or negative meaning.

The code is available in the following repository.

First, install Transformers.

$ pip3 install transformers==3.4.0

The script to perform the training is available at the path transformers/examples/text-classification/ It contains dataset loaders for various tasks in GLUE, a leading natural language processing benchmark.

We need to create our own loader om order to load our own dataset. Please refer to for the actual dataset loader to be used.

In the script, the training model is set by AutoModelForSequenceClassification and GLUE dataset is instantiated by the dataset loader. The loader instantiated the dataset based on the given argument data_args.task_name.

In order to use our own dataset, we will rewrite to register our own dataset loader.

The data set is in tsv format, separated by tabs. The text comes first, followed by the label number. In this case, we have assigned 0 to “positive” and 1 to “negative” sentences.

Then train the model.

The score is displayed once the training completes.

eval_loss = 0.6668145656585693
eval_acc = 1.0
epoch = 3.0
total_flos = 2038927233024

Trained models are stored in the output/original folder. The trained model is stored as pytorch_model.bin, and the morphological word-token associations are stored in output/original/vocab.txt

If you want to run the program more than once, delete the output folder before running it a second time or an error will occur.

A file used for caching will be created under data/original during the training. Note that even if you update the tsv file, the old data will be used for training if you do not delete this file.

If you want to use a trained model for inference, use the --do_predict option.

Export BERT to ONNX

To convert a BERT model to ONNX, use transformers.convert_graph_to_onnx. Simply specify the path of the trained model and the pipeline_name.

In this case, we are using AutoModelForSequenceClassification for training, so we specify pipeline_name=”sentiment-analysis” . Refer to the link below for the correspondence between pipeline names and models.

The newly trained model can be used with ONNX Runtime using the script below to classify text as positive or negative.

Several sample programs using various ONNX exports are available at the link below.

Question answering task

Transformers also supports question answering, which allows you to enter a context and a question, and get the position of the most probable answer to the question in the context sentence as a result.

{“question”: “What is ONNX Runtime ?”,
“context”: “ONNX Runtime is a highly performant single inference engine for multiple platforms and hardware”}

{‘answer’: ‘highly performant single inference engine for multiple platforms and hardware’, ‘end’: 94, ‘score’: 0.751201868057251, ‘start’: 18}

The pre-trained model deepset/roberta-base-squad2 was used. RoBERTa is an improved model of BERT.

The model input consists of input_ids (batch x sequence) computed using the Tokenizer and attension_mask (batch x sequence). The output is output_0 (batch x sequence) and output_1 (batch x sequence).

To export the question answering model to ONNX, you can use transformers.convert_graph_to_onnx script as for GLUE.

However, calculating start and end from the exported ONNX output requires complex post-processing, so we recommend using onnx_transformers below.

BERT usage with ailia SDK

BERT can be used with the ailia SDK with the following command.

$ python3

Since BERT uses the transformers tokenizer, you need to install the transformers beforehand using the requirements.txt file in the ailia-models/neural_language_processing folder.

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

ailia SDK supports models for the tasks maskedlm, ner, question_answering, sentiment_analysis and zero_shot_classification

Here are result examples.

ax Inc. has developed ailia SDK, which enables cross-platform, GPU-based rapid inference.

ax Inc. provides a wide range of services from consulting and model creation, to the development of AI-based applications and SDKs. Feel free to contact us for any inquiry.



David Cochard

Engineer with 10+ years in game engines & multiplayer backend development. Now focused on machine learning, computer vision, graphics and AR