ByteTrack : Tracking model that also considers low accuracy bounding boxes

David Cochard
Published in
5 min readNov 19, 2021

This is an introduction to「ByteTrack」, a machine learning model that can be used with ailia SDK. You can easily use this model to create AI applications using ailia SDK as well as many other ready-to-use ailia MODELS.


ByteTrack is a model for object tracking published in October 2021. By applying ByteTrack to the bounding box of people detected by YOLOX, you can assign a unique ID to each person. ByteTrack is currently the state-of-the-art and outperforms SiamMOT and transformer-based tracking models.



In Multi-Object Tracking (MOT), object detection is first performed using models such as YOLOX, and a tracking algorithm is used to track objects in-between frames. However, in real-world applications, the result of object detection is sometimes incomplete, resulting in objects being ignored.

Most object detection algorithms ignore bounding boxes with low confidence values. This is because there is a trade-off since accepting bounding boxes with low confidence values will improve the detection rate (True Positive), but will also cause False Positive.

However, the question whether all bounding boxes with low confidence values should be removed or not is relevant. Even with a low confidence value, the object may still exist, and ignoring it would decrease the efficiency of the tracking model.

The following figure illustrates this problem. In frame t1, four people with confidence values above 0.5 are tracked. However, at framest2 and t3, the score of the person with the red bounding box drops from 0.8 to 0.4 and then further down from 0.4 to 0.1 due to occlusion. As a result, this person is ignored.


ByteTrack solves this problem by using a motion model that manages a queue called tracklets to store objects being tracked, and performs tracking and matching between bounding boxes with low confidence values.

In the matching process, an algorithm called BYTE is used. First, the positions in the next frame of objects in the tracklets are predicted using the Kalman filter, then they are matched with high-score detected bounding boxes using motion similarity. With motion similality, the score is computed by Interaction over Union (IoU), which indicates the amount of overlap between objects (step (b) in the above image shows the results of this first matching).

Next, the algorithm performs a second matching. Objects in the tracklets that could not be matched (eg. red boxes in the previous image), are then matched with detected bounding boxes with lower confidence values (step (c) in the above image shows the results of this second matching).

The details of the algorithm are described below. It is a simple tracking algorithm using Kalman filter, therefore it is very fast.


Despite the simplicity of the method, ByteTrack achieves SoTA object tracking.


Here is an example of detection in each benchmark.


And a performance comparison with conventional methods.


The object detection step is based on YOLOX trained on the MOT19 and MOT20 datasets, where the recognition resolution is 1440x800 for MOT17 and 1600x896 for MOT20. Therefore, ByteTrack itself runs fast, but the object detection processing time is rather high.

Comparison with DeepSort

DeepSort uses ReID identification model to link bounding boxes of detected people between frames, and for those who could not be linked, Sort uses the prediction of bounding box movement calculated by Kalman filter to link them between frames. However, this is only done for bounding boxes with high confidence values.

ByteTrack does not use ReID, but uses only the movement prediction of bounding boxes calculated using the Kalman filter to track people between frames. Therefore, it is technically similar to Sort step used in DeepSort. However, performance have been improved by splitting the processing in two steps, the first one targeting the bounding boxes with high confidence values, the second one for the ones with low confidence values.


ByteTrack can be used with ailia SDK by running the following command.

$ python3 -v 0

You will need to install the lap library as a dependency.

$ pip3 install lap

To run faster, use the -m option to swap the object detection model for a lighter version of YOLOX, for example yolox_s in the command below.

$ python3 -v 0 -m yolox_s

ax Inc. has developed ailia SDK, which enables cross-platform, GPU-based rapid inference.

ax Inc. provides a wide range of services from consulting and model creation, to the development of AI-based applications and SDKs. Feel free to contact us for any inquiry.



David Cochard

Engineer with 10+ years in game engines & multiplayer backend development. Now focused on machine learning, computer vision, graphics and AR