CLAP: Feature Extraction Model for Searching Audio From Text

David Cochard
Published in
6 min readMar 6, 2024

This is an introduction to「CLAP」, a machine learning model that can be used with ailia SDK. You can easily use this model to create AI applications using ailia SDK as well as many other ready-to-use ailia MODELS.


CLAP is a feature extraction model released by LAION-AI in November 2022, which enables the search for audio from text. It can be seen as the audio version of CLIP, which allows for searching images from text.


The CLIP model for images was trained by OpenAI using the LAION-5B dataset, created by LAION-AI, developer of CLAP.

Using CLAP, it is possible to extract feature vectors from the input text and audio, then based on the distance between these feature vectors, the similarity between the text and audio can be computed.


In recent years, training using large-scale data from the entire Internet has been done successfully. A notable example is CLIP, which achieves a significant success by training with large-scale pairs of text and images, enabling the search of images from text.

It is believed that this approach can also be realized with text and audio. Related research includes proposals such as AudioCLIP and WaveCLIP, which have been trained on pairs of images and audio, or text, images, and audio, but not specifically on pairs of text and audio. Additionally, these have been trained on small datasets and have not fully demonstrated the potential of a large-scale training.

CLAP has been trained using the large-scale LAION-Audio-630K, which is composed of 633,526 text/audio pairs.

The architecture of CLAP is as follows. Similar to CLIP, it has been trained to minimize the distance between pairs of text and audio, making it possible to compute feature vectors by providing either text or audio. By calculating the distance between these feature vectors, it is possible to search for audio from any given text.


RobertaTokenizer is used for tokenizing text, which is a Byte Pair Encoding (BPE)-based tokenizer, similar to the one used in CLIP.

Audio is processed in the Mel Spectrum space using librosa. The number of mel_bins is set to 64, with a window_size of 1024 and a hop_size of 480.

If the audio is less than 10 seconds, it is repeated N times, and the remainder is zero-padded. Then, the same waveform stacked four times is used as input. For audio longer than 10 seconds, three segments are randomly selected from the beginning, middle, and end of the audio, in addition to a resampled version of the entire audio, totaling four waveforms to be stacked. Consequently, the shape of the audio data input into the AI model becomes (4, 1001, 64), where 4 corresponds to the stacked segments, 1001 represents the duration of 10 seconds, and 64 corresponds to mel_bins.

This approach of stacking four waveforms is referred to as a Fusion model. For models that do not use Fusion, the audio is randomly cropped to ensure a duration of 10 seconds.

The feature vectors output by the model have a dimensionality of 512. For distance calculation, cosine similarity is used.


The accuracy of CLAP is measured based on the recognition accuracy in a zero-shot (without retraining) scenario on the ESC-50 dataset, which is used for classifying environmental sounds. Since CLAP can classify using any text, it is capable of recognizing categories beyond those included in the ESC-50 dataset.

ESC50 dataset categories (Source:

Apart from the LAION version, there are multiple versions of CLAP authored by various researchers. The conventional CLAP [5], used for comparison, is a model trained on the WavText5K dataset comprising 5,000 entries. The LAION version of CLAP, by utilizing a dataset of 630,000 entries, has improved the zero-shot classification accuracy from 82.6% to 89.1%.

Benchmark (Source:

Version 2023

On April 7 2023, a large model was released. This model is not a Fusion model but a standard model, which, instead of stacking four waveforms, use random cropping to fit audio within 10 seconds. It was trained not only on the LAION-Audio-630k dataset but also include datasets for music and speech. Furthermore, this model utilizes an audio token-based HTSAT as the audio encoder.

Microsoft version

Microsoft has also released its version of CLAP, trained on 128,000 pairs of audio and text.

The Microsoft version of CLAP shares the same architecture as the LAION version and has achieved an accuracy of 93.9% on the ESC-50 dataset.



CLAP can be used with ailia SDK using the following command.

$ python3 --input dog_bark.wav

The output results are displayed with probabilities for the specified text labels, indicating that “dog” and “dog barking” are the closest matches.

===== cosine similality between text and audio =====
cossim=0.1514, word=applause applaud clap
cossim=0.2942, word=The crowd is clapping.
cossim=0.0391, word=I love the contrastive learning
cossim=0.0755, word=bell
cossim=-0.0926, word=soccer
cossim=0.0309, word=open the door.
cossim=0.0849, word=applause
cossim=0.4183, word=dog
cossim=0.3819, word=dog barking

To change the target tags for detection, you can modify the text_inputs in

text_inputs = [
"applause applaud clap",
"The crowd is clapping.",
"I love the contrastive learning",
"open the door.",
"dog barking"

By adding the “voice” and “song” categories and processing for human voice, the result shows that the score for the “voice” category becomes the highest.

===== cosine similality between text and audio =====
audio: BASIC5000_0001.wav
cossim=0.0891, word=applause applaud clap
cossim=0.1216, word=The crowd is clapping.
cossim=0.0633, word=I love the contrastive learning
cossim=0.1159, word=bell
cossim=-0.0559, word=soccer
cossim=-0.0210, word=open the door.
cossim=0.0098, word=applause
cossim=-0.0106, word=dog
cossim=-0.0605, word=dog barking
cossim=0.2877, word=voice
cossim=0.1041, word=song

When a song is input, the score for the “song” category becomes the highest.

===== cosine similality between text and audio =====
audio: 049 - Young Griffo - Facade.wav
cossim=0.0767, word=applause applaud clap
cossim=0.0737, word=The crowd is clapping.
cossim=-0.0014, word=I love the contrastive learning
cossim=-0.0110, word=bell
cossim=-0.0063, word=soccer
cossim=-0.0065, word=open the door.
cossim=0.0440, word=applause
cossim=0.0031, word=dog
cossim=-0.0542, word=dog barking
cossim=0.0625, word=voice
cossim=0.2091, word=song

ax Inc. has developed ailia SDK, which enables cross-platform, GPU-based rapid inference.

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