How to install the ailia SDK

Kazuki Kyakuno
Published in
4 min readJun 3, 2024

We will explain how to install the ailia SDK and how to run the samples. We will explain in order for Python, Unity, Flutter, and C++.

About ailia SDK

ailia SDK is a cross-platform AI inference library. By using ailia SDK and ailia MODELS, AI functions can be easily integrated into applications.

Installation methods by platform


Run the following command in an environment where Python is installed to install the ailia SDK.

pip3 install ailia

Clone the ailia MODELS repository.

git clone

Install dependent libraries.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Launching the launcher.


To run a model, select the model you want to run and press the “Run model” button.

The tutorial is as follows.

It is also possible to use it with just a browser.


Clone the repository of ailia MODELS Unity.

git clone

Open and execute it in Unity. The ailia SDK will be automatically downloaded via the Package Manager.

Scenes are stored by category.

After opening the scene, the AI model can be modified in the Controller’s Inspector.

Execute the scene.

Example of speech recognition


Clone the ailia MODELS Flutter repository.

git clone

Open the project in VSCode and execute flutter pub get. The ailia SDK will be automatically downloaded via pubspec.yaml.

Run the sample, select a model, and execute the AI with the plus button.

Select model
Example of running Whisper


Clone the ailia MODELS cpp repository.

git clone

Download the ailia SDK via submodule.

git subomdule init
git submodule update

Download the license file for ailia SDK.

cd ailia

For macOS, install cmake and opencv with brew.

brew install cmake
brew install opencv


cmake .
cmake --build .

I will execute it.

cd object_detection/yolox

If you enable the -v 0 option, you can also use the web camera.

cd object_detection/yolox
./ -v 0

Additional information

ailia SDK license

Please refer to the following for ailia SDK license information.

For other environments

Please refer to the following samples for Rust, MSVC C#, and Kotlin.




ax Inc. provides a wide range of services from consulting and model creation, to the development of AI-based applications and SDKs. Feel free to contact us for any inquiry.

