PaDiM : A machine learning model for detecting defective products without retraining

David Cochard
Published in
8 min readOct 2, 2021

This is an introduction to「PaDiM」, a machine learning model that can be used with ailia SDK. You can easily use this model to create AI applications using ailia SDK as well as many other ready-to-use ailia MODELS.


PaDiM is a machine learning model for detecting defective products published in November 2020. Defective goods, produced in a factory assembly line for example, can be detected based on images of normal products only, no retraining required. This state-of-the-art model was produced using MVTec AD, a data set for defective product detection.


Methods to detect defective products

There are three methods for detecting defective products using machine learning.

  1. Learning from normal and defective products (at least 10000 images of both normal and defective products are required)
  2. Learning from normal products only (more than 10000 images of normal products are required)
  3. Determination using distribution of image features from normal products only (more than 240 images of normal products are required)

Method 1. relies on a classic classification model, which is trained to detect normal and defective products based on networks such as ResNet. GradCam is used to visualize defective areas. In recent years, distance learning has also been used. However, in a factory assembly line, many images of normal products can be acquired, but not many images of defective products.

Method 2. was developed with this issue in mind, and it was trained using AutoEncoder and other methods from normal products only. AutoEncoder is a model architecture that maps the input image to a low-dimensional vector and recovers the original image from this low-dimensional vector. AutoEncoder, which is trained only from images of normal products, only learns features of normal products, so even if you put in images of defective products, it will output images of normal products. Using this feature, we can detect abnormalities by taking the difference between the input image and the image restored by the AutoEncoder. In recent years, GANs have also been used in combination. However, there is a problem that the model needs to be retrained for each product.


Method 3. has received a lot of attention in recent years and uses machine learning models only for feature extraction. The data in the middle layer of the machine learning model trained by ImageNet characterizes the features of the image well. Therefore, the input image is passed through a network such as ResNet, and the data in the middle layer is extracted and used as features. The defective product detection is then performed by taking the difference between the distribution of features of the normal product and the distribution of features of the input image.

PaDiM belongs to the third approach and improves on SPADE’s architecture, which required K-NN clustering and achieved SOTA despite its simple architecture with only Gaussian distribution. The accuracy calculated by AUROC is 97.9%.


PaDiM architecture

For training PaDiM, WideResNet50 is applied to a sequence of images of normal products to calculate the feature map and compute the feature vector. To produce the feature vectors, shallow features of layers 1 to 3 are used. The feature vectors are calculated for each pixel in the image plane of the feature map.

From the calculated feature vector, calculate the mean of a group of images of normal products and calculate the covariance matrix. The covariance matrix is a generalization of the variance in scalar values.

Covariance matrix

From the mean and covariance matrix, we can calculate the N-dimensional normal distribution of the normal product.

N-dimensional normal distribution

The following image illustrates the feature vector computation. Input N images of a normal products to a CNN with a resolution of (W,H)=(224,224), compute the covariance matrix Σ and the mean μ for each pixel in the image plane of the feature map.

The training result will be the covariance matrix and the mean.


During PaDiM inference, feature vectors are computed for the input image like during training, and the Mahalanobis distance is computed from the precomputed covariance matrix and mean. The Mahalanobis distance is a generalization of the ordinary distance, which allows us to calculate the dissimilarity of two random variable vectors.

Mahalanobis distance

The Mahalanobis distance is calculated for each pixel, then normalized over the entire image to build a heatmap, and the maximum value of the Mahalanobis distance is the anomaly level.

Reducing the amount of PaDiM operations

As a way to reduce the computational complexity of PaDiM, the paper proposes to reduce the dimensionality of feature vectors and to use CNNs of different architectures. For dimensionality reduction, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and random extraction were compared, the latter was shown to have better performance.

In a different implementation of PaDiM, the 448-dimensional feature vector in resnet18 is reduced to 100 dimensions, and the 1792-dimensional feature vector in wide_resnet50_2 is reduced to 550 dimensions using random extraction.

Dataset of defective products

The MVTec AD dataset was used for the evaluation of defect detection.

The MVTec AD dataset contains images of normal products in the folders train/good and test, the rest are images of defective products. The mask of defects is stored in the folder ground_truth. This mask is used to calculate the pixel ROCAUC.

Dataset folder structure

Due to its architecture, PaDiM is vulnerable to large misalignment due to the use of shallow features. Therefore, centering of the image to be detected is necessary.

Since the MVTec AD dataset is centered with high accuracy, the paper proposes a modified version that includes random crop from 256x256 to 224x224 and random rotation of +-10 degrees during training for real-world applications.



Clone the PaDiM repository.

Place the dataset in mvtec_anomaly_detection.

Adapt CLASS_NAMES in datasets/

CLASS_NAMES = ['grid']

Run python3, which uses about 7GB of memory for Pytorch, and takes about 2 minutes to train on a MacBookPro 13 using the MVTec AD carpet dataset (279 sheets).

$ python3 
| feature extraction | train | grid |: 100%|██████| 9/9 [01:30<00:00, 10.08s/it]
| feature extraction | test | grid |: 100%|███████| 3/3 [00:28<00:00, 9.60s/it]
image ROCAUC: 0.957
pixel ROCAUC: 0.965
Average ROCAUC: 0.957
Average pixel ROCUAC: 0.965

When the execution is complete, the heatmap of the detection results will be stored in mvtec_result. An example of the detection result is shown below. We are able to detect defective carpets and visualize the defective areas.

Normal product
Defective product

PaDiM with ailia SDK

Resources are in the PaDiM folder of the ailia MODELS repository below.

Place the image of normal products in the train folder. In the example below, we use the images in the bottle folder of MVTec AD.

Structure of the image for training

Start the training with the command below.

python3 --train_dir train

The training results will be stored in train.pkl, which is 127.9MB in the case of Resnet18. Anomaly detection is performed using this file with the command below.

python3 -i input.png -f train.pkl -th 0.5

The anomaly level is displayed on the console. The higher the value, the bigger the defect.

Anomaly score: 25.189980 #defective product
Anomaly score: 8.388268 #normal product used for training
Anomaly score: 11.866211 #normal product not used for training

Defects can be visualized with output.png

Visualization of defects

The optimal detection thresholds for anomalies can be calculated from the mask images in GroundTruth, and the recommended thresholds can be output by placing the mask images corresponding to the names of the input images in the gt_masks folder.

INFO (392) : Optimal threshold: 0.592428

If the mask image for GroundTruth does not exist, output.png will be empty.

Since the abnormal areas are normalized by the maximum value of the abnormality degree for each pixel, the output will be such that the entire object will be abnormal in the case of normal products. If the abnormality level of the entire image is low, ignore the image of the abnormal part.

Note that it is also possible to process multiple images at once by giving a folder instead of the input images.

python3 -i input_folder -s output_folder -f train.pkl -th 0.5

Other applications of PaDiM

In addition to detecting defective products, PaDiM can also be applied to detect anomalies in surveillance cameras. PaDiM achieved an AUROC score of 91.2% on the ShanghaiTech Campus dataset, exceeding CAVGA’s 85%.

Related research

MahalanobisAD calculates the Mahalanobis distance for feature vectors obtained by applying GlobalAveragePooling to EfficientNet B4’s layers 1 to 7 feature maps. MahalanobisAD calculates a single Mahalanobis distance for the entire image. Since the Mahalanobis distance is not computed for each pixel, it is not possible to visualize anomalies. If anomalies are needed, heat maps can be generated by GradCAM.

ax Inc. has developed ailia SDK, which enables cross-platform, GPU-based rapid inference.

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