Released ailia SDK 1.2.13

Takehiko TERADA
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2022

We are pleased to introduce version 1.2.13 of ailia SDK, a cross-platform framework to perform fast AI inference on GPU or CPU. You can find more information about ailia SDK on the official website.

Acceleration through enhanced TensorCore support on NVIDIA platforms

Enhanced TensorCore support on the NVIDIA platform provides significant speedups in the FP16 environment; Jetson NX can infer yolox 1.54 times faster than ailia SDK 1.2.12.

In ailia-models, available backends (execution environments) can be enumerated with the env_list option.

$ python3 --env_list

By default the FP32 backend is used so please manually select the FP16 backend from the enumerated list; for Jetson, backend number 2 corresponds to FP16.

$ python3 -e 2

Support for Jetson Orin

ailia 1.2.13 support Jetpack 5.0.2 and cuDNN 8.3 and are now compatible with Jetson Orin, enabling fast inference using TensorCore.

Metal and Vulkan support for optimized specific activation functions

The composite activations added for CPU and CUDA in ailia SDK 1.2.12 have been added for Metal and Vulkan. In addition, we have extended the GPU execution range of ResizeNearest and Concat. macOS (M1 Max) can now infer yolox 1.48 times faster than ailia SDK 1.2.12.

Reduction of memory copying

Improved performance of the ailiaSetBlobData API for models with multiple inputs and outputs; Python essentially uses the ailiaSetBlobData API, which improves overall performance when used from Python.

ONNX opset 16 support

Bernoulli, CastLike, GreaterOrEqual, GridSample, LessOrEqual are implemented, and ONNX opset 16 is supported.

Acceleration of DiffusionModel by speeding up Einsum

Accelerated Einsum for faster inference in DiffusionModel. ailia-models DiffusionModel are now faster using GPU.

End of support for C++ AMP

Microsoft has deprecated C++ AMP thus we have decided to discontinue the support of C++ AMP. Vulkan Backend can be used instead.

Enhanced Unity documentation

The documentation for each API of Unity has been enhanced. You can check it from the following URL.

Introduction of new models

  • Crestereo, MobileStereoNet : Depth Estimation from Stereo Images
  • Glip : Object detection from arbitrary text
Source: Flickr30K(
  • Dehamer : Fog removal model
  • Detic : GridSampler integrated version of object detection model

The opset16 version is available with the following command: GridSample can be run inside the ailia SDK, thus avoiding the problem of possible conflicts with Pytorch’s cuDNN version.

$ python3 --opset16

Evaluation version of ailia SDK

ailia SDK 1.2.13 evaluation version can be downloaded at the link below.

ailia SDK is a self-contained cross-platform high speed inference SDK for AI developed by ax Inc.

ax Inc. provides a wide range of services from consulting and model creation, to the development of AI-based applications and SDKs. Feel free to contact us for any inquiry.

