Introducing AXIS Co-Builder Rewards Program

Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2020

By Maggie Xu, Co-Founder

AXIS DeFi is now offering an easy way to earn $AXIS token rewards before its main net launch.

Since we’ve started AXIS DeFi, many community members have voiced their support for our project. At AXIS DeFi, we’re focused on finding ways to reward our early believers, and to allow them to earn rewards by holding the $AXIS token.

Today, we’re announcing the AXIS Co-Builder Rewards Program. This program is designed to include everyone in the community who supports AXIS DeFi and believes in its vision.

With AXIS Co-Builder Rewards Program:

  • You can begin earning rewards on your $AXIS tokens. The current annual rewards rate (“ARR”) for the AXIS Co-Builder Rewards Program is 30%, and you can begin earning rewards, subject to the Rules below.
  • You will always maintain control. Your $AXIS tokens always stay in your wallet. You just earn rewards while keeping your $AXIS tokens untouched in your wallet before our main net launches, subject to the Rules below. You can opt out any time you want.
  • Rewards will be directly distributed to each eligible co-builder.


  • Register via the AXIS Co-Builder Rewards Application here.
  • Stake 1,000 or more $AXIS tokens in your registered wallet address within 24 hours of submitting your program application form, subject to the Rules below.


  • We do NOT accept exchange wallet addresses. Please provide other types of wallet addresses, such as your ledger ERC20 address. That way, we can easily trace your reward status via
  • Eligible token amount: minimum 1000 and maximum 5000. That is, even if you have more than 5000 $AXIS tokens in your wallet, you will only receive rewards for 5000 $AXIS tokens.
  • Your 1000+ $AXIS tokens cannot be moved out of your registered wallet address. Otherwise, you will lose your slot and need to purchase another 1000+ tokens and register again.
  • For this round, we have 33 AXIS co-builder slots. The first 33 people who register and stake 1,000+ $AXIS tokens will become AXIS co-builders and receive the co-builder rewards on the AXIS main net launch date. Once you qualify, we will send you a confirmation email.


Co-builder rewards = (*number of days/365) x (**ARR) x (***number of AXIS tokens held in your registered wallet)

  • *Number of days = number of days between the (date you’ve put in at least 1000 $AXIS tokens into your registered wallet address or your registration date, whichever is later) and the main net launch date
  • **ARR = 30%
  • ***Number of AXIS tokens held in your registered wallet = minimum 1000 and maximum 5000, however many held in your registered wallet


John registered for the AXIS Co-builder Program on September 1, 2020 and start holding 1,000 AXIS tokens on September 1, 2020. The main net launch date is December 31, 2020. Assuming John qualified as a co-builder, his rewards will be:

  • John’s Rewards = (31+31+30+31)/365 x 30% x 1,000 = 101.096 AXIS


Q: How many slots are available for your Co-builder Program?

A: We are opening 33 slots.

Q: When And how do I get the rewards as a qualified co-builder?

A: We will send the $AXIS token rewards to qualified co-builders’ registered wallet addresses within three days after the AXIS main net launch date, and a confirmation email to qualified co-builders.

Q: What if I stake more than 1,000 $AXIS tokens? Can I get more rewards?

A: Yes! The minimal qualification of getting the reward is to have 1,000 $AXIS tokens throughout your reward period. The max you can get rewarded for is 5000 $AXIS tokens. That is, even if you have more than 5000 $AXIS tokens in your wallet, you will only receive rewards for 5000 $AXIS tokens.

Q: What if my balance is less than 1,000 $AXIS tokens for only 1 day of the reward period?

Unfortunately, if your balance at any time during the reward period (before the AXIS main net launch date) falls below 1000 $AXIS tokens, you will lose your slot (and all potential rewards) and it will go to someone who is on the waiting list.

Getting excited? Start by registering via the AXIS Co-Builder Rewards Application here! 🚀

