Alexa Chatbot in Hindi

Anshul Shrivastava
AxleWeb Technologies
4 min readAug 13, 2019


Alexa, a digital assistant by Amazon is well known for its functions in the world. The more Alexa is popular, the more is its developer from all over the world. So Alexa needs to be programmed to make it work in different languages.

Alexa already supports many languages. Developers can make Alexa skills in different languages using Alexa skill builder. And the recently added language in it is Hindi for India. As India is the second most populated country, the Alexa developers are also more from India.

Hindi is just recently added, said to be in Beta State as not all basic functions are integrated with the Hindi language like default fallback. The recommended font to be used for Hindi in Alexa is Devanagari.

Best Practices

Some of the best practices to make Alexa skills in Hindi are:

  • Use English originated words as in English only (e.g. Fact).
  • Use Hindi originated words as in Devanagari (e.g. चालू करो ).
  • Use full stop instead of “Viram Chinh” (।).
  • Use Voice function to test the application.
  • Try to add as many training phrases you can.
  • Test the application as many times as you can.

Steps to make a simple Alexa Skill in Hindi:

Let’s make a joke skill

At each step save your process, and remember the best practices in order to create this skill.

Step — 1: Create a skill name, let’s call it “हिंदी Jokes”. You can give a name as you wish. Give an invocation name through which you can call and activate the skill.

Step — 2: Make another intent, I will name it “jokes”, You can name it anything you wish.

In this give training phrases like “मुझे जोके सुनाओ”, or “मुझे एक जोके बताओ”.

You can give as many training phrases in order to call this intent.

Step — 3: Now go to code Section, in the launch handler, write your text in output text-speech which you want to hear at the skill launch.

Step — 4: In Hello Intent Handler, write your text in output text-speech which you want to hear when you say hi, hello, hey or any intro word.

Step — 5: Now make new handler, same as hello or launch handler, let’s name it as “jokeintentHandler”. In canHandle(), change intent name where “Intentrequest” is not present as the intent name you made. In my case, “jokes” is the intent name.

Step — 6: Now take some jokes in Hindi, put it in an array and call the items of the array in output text-speech. See snapshot for reference.

Step — 7: Mention your intent handler at last of code section in exports.handler.

Step — 8: Build the model.

Steps to invoke the skill

Step — 1: You can say like <your skill invocation name> “शुरू करो”.

Step — 2: Say any of training phrases mention in the joke intent. In my case, it’s “मुझे एक चुटकुला बताओ”.

So, this is it for now. I hope you like it and we bring more blogs like this soon. Till then try to develop an amazing application in the Hindi Language on Alexa. Thank you.

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