Facebook Messenger Rich Messages Custom Payload in Dialogflow

Pranav Rathi
AxleWeb Technologies
2 min readSep 30, 2021

Facebook which is a well known platform in the world. I think every people used Facebook once in a lifetime. Since Facebook is so much popular, it is a great platform for marketing.

Every business or company have its page on Facebook. Also, these Business and companies receives number of queries each hour in a day for 24/7 period.

For this businesses and companies get a Facebook messenger chatbot developed for their pages which help users by giving replies to their queries.

Many chatbots are configured through webhook or inline editor in Dialogflow. So, showing rich messages through it is a haptic part.

Here is the list of Rich messages that can be used in the Facebook Messenger chatbot.

  1. Quick Reply

A message can have a number of quick replies at once.

2. Cards

A Card consist of an Image, Subtitle and buttons. A number of cards can be used at once in a message.

This is all about Facebook Messenger Rich Messages for now. I’ll post more stories on different platform-rich messages in Dialogflow. Stay Tuned! 😃

The videos below will give you a good idea of how the technology works.👇

In case you’re interested in more technical videos, check out this channel .👇

Start your journey towards having a chatbot at a reasonable price. We’ll be pleased to serve you. 🙂

Here is our Website Link :- https://axlewebtech.com/



Pranav Rathi
AxleWeb Technologies

I am the Team Lead in AxleWeb Technology. I have worked on many chatbots in many platforms.