How small businesses can leverage chatbots

Anshul Shrivastava
AxleWeb Technologies
3 min readMar 22, 2021

Can chatbots help small business owners? Being a small business owner is about serving more customers with less money. One way you can be more efficient and serve more customers is by leveraging chatbots.

Could you imagine if you had a robot that could take your place to deal with these repetitive tasks? It would free up your time so that you could focus on more important and interesting tasks. But more importantly the customer experience would be incredible. This would save hours of looking for information and boost sales.

Chatbots are becoming more popular every day. With so many brands using them, you might wonder how small businesses can leverage this technology to scale their business without spending a fortune or hiring resources. In this article, we will explain how small businesses can leverage chatbots.

Software giant, Microsoft has just unveiled a new chatbot that is targeted at small businesses. Developed to allow small businesses to communicate with their customers instantaneously and reduce manual work of customer support which takes up 20% to 60% of their revenue.

Chatbots can be one of the best ways to automate and reduce the manual work small businesses are doing or used to do for handling their customers. Chatbots can be helpful for answering simple repeated questions from customers like “what is your office address”, “how much does a product cost”, etc.

They can work day and night and not take a break or get bored. Chatbots are taking away the mundane task of responding to simple questions, so small business owners can focus on what matters most — growing their business.

Small businesses can think of deploying chatbots in mainly three areas. Sales, Marketing and Operations. Sales and Marketing basically means enabling your bot to work like a sales man and answer any sales related questions. Those are generally questions which your customer might ask before purchasing your products.

Think of a scenario where a customer lands on your website and she wants to purchase something from your online store. let’s say she has a question but it is late in the night and no customer service is online. Since she is not sure about that product, she just left the online store without actually purchasing it and she never came back.

Now had there been a chatbot on that online store which can answer any question asked by the customer, the customer would be much more confident in making that purchase and you would have a new customer without actually engaging in talking with them.

This is not a science fiction anymore. This is becoming a reality and more and more businesses are doing that by getting a chatbot for their business right on their website and on other channels like whatsapp, facebook messenger and telegram.

Another problem that small business face is that when their employees leave, most of the domain knowledge about their business is gone with them. When they hire a new employee, they have to train the new employee all over again which costs lots of time and money. Chatbot can solve that problem because once it is trained, is it with you forever and the knowledge it has will never be lost.

If you too are a small business and trying to explore ways in which chatbot can help in your business then please visit our website and book a free consultation with us.

We are a dedicated chatbot development company helping small and medium businesses with deploying chatbots for their business.

In case you’re interested in more technical videos, check out this channel .👇

Start your journey towards having a chatbot at a reasonable price. We’ll be pleased to serve you. 🙂

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