How to create Simple Instagram Bot using Manychat

Instagram Chatbot

Manisha Singh
AxleWeb Technologies
4 min readDec 23, 2021


Instagram Chatbot

It facilitates a conversation between a computer and a human. It is an automated conversation partner.

First, you need to integrate Instagram linked with Facebook to Manychat.

NOTE:- You need to have business account of Instagram with at least 10,000 followers otherwise if you want to test out the features of instagram , you need to create a test account starting with “test_”.

Main Menu

  1. Go to your Manychat account -> Automation -> Create new folder

2. In a new folder, create a new flow called “Main Menu.”

3. Click on “Add Trigger” button and Choose the “Instagram Keyword”.

4. There are various options in Instagram keyword you can use according to your requirement like I used “message contains” because I want to trigger this flow when message contains keywords like “hi, hello, welcome, greetings” .

5. You can use text for Simple responses and if you want user input you can choose “User Input” .

Note:- You need the upgraded version of Manychat to use Various functionalities like “User Input”, “Smart Delay” , “Condition” , “Notify Admins” etc.

6. Click on the “next step” for the next response and choose “Instagram” to give next message & you can also edit message name.

7. In this way you can create flow and proceed to next messages according to your requirement.

Use “Start flow” when you want to connect one flow with another.

Click to start flow -> Choose your folder -> Choose your flow ->Hit the button “Select this flow” -> Hit the “Publish” button.

In this way you can create many flows and can connect one flow with another.

Default Reply

When your chatbot doesn’t know the answer to a question , then we need to use “Default reply” in Manychat.

  1. Go to Settings ->Instagram -> Default Reply -> Click to Create new Reply or Select Existing .

2. Give your default message and you can add buttons or quick replies whatever you want you can use.

3.After creating flow, when you want to notify the admin then choose “Actions” -> Select Notify Admins

You can choose peoples whom you want to notify when user want to interact with Live agent.

Hit the “Publish” button.

For more details please refer the above video👆 in which I have explained the FAQs and step by step procedure and working chatbot.

This is the very basic concepts of creating simple Instagram Chatbot.

I’ll upload many content related to Manychat features and Instagram bot.

Stay Tuned ! 🙂

The videos below will give you a good idea of how the technology works.👇

In case you’re interested in more technical videos, check out this channel .👇

Start your journey towards having a chatbot at a reasonable price. We’ll be pleased to serve you. 🙂

Here is our Website Link :-

