The 5 Best Practices In Building Voice AI

Ritu Rajdev
AxleWeb Technologies
5 min readMar 29, 2022

AI has changed the world more than anything in the history of mankind. More than electricity. We’ve come a long way and live hand in hand with AI in harmony today. Chat and Voice AI bots are capable enough to do everything from streaming music, autonomously driving cars, or even providing great customer support and experience!

While AI chatbots have been around for a while, voice AI is 4x faster than typing and is rising in popularity. Both Chat and Voice AI can bring your customer experience up, but voice bots and chatbots have a few differences too.

And if you wish to deploy voice AI, we’ve put together everything you want to know about voice AI in our comprehensive guide!

1. The best voice assistants never stop evolving

AI voice bots set themselves apart because of their ability to constantly learn new information autonomously. This means that the voice AI is constantly evolving, trying to be a better version of itself with every other interaction it's been put into.

Customers’ preferences, expectations, and behavior are constantly changing and you should ensure your voice bot is able to keep up with changing dynamics.

2. Give the assistant a personality

Now that our devices really do talk, it’s vital that we help them shed their reputation. The best way to do that is to create a nicer, friendlier, trustworthy voice AI. More than anything, what people want from their voice AI is a more human experience designed to help them as a friend would.

It needs well-written dialogue, small talk, empathy, humor, and emotional intelligence that caters specifically to your users. The actual voice and tone of the conversation should be in sync with your brand voice, too.

For example, your voice AI could start the conversation with “Hello [user’s name]! My name is [Voice ai’s name] and I hope you are doing great this evening. I’d love to help you in case you are stuck anywhere!”

3. Handle errors gracefully

While a voice AI can be refined enough to handle most queries, businesses should train theirs to deal with situations where it cannot understand the user. Instead of building a bot that will never fail, catering your voice AI to handle errors with natural repetitions scores fairly well on the list of best voice AI practices.

Just like anyone speaking naturally would enable your voice bot to respond in different ways.

“I am not sure I understand. Could you please repeat that for me?”

“Uh oh! I don’t think I understand what you mean. Please explain your concern.”

And if your voice bot is still struggling to understand the user, ensure a smooth hand-off to a live agent to minimize inconvenience for the user.

4. Stock up on utterances

When people text — especially with a virtual assistant on a website — they can often be very brief, making it easier to map what intent they’re looking for. With voice, people tend to speak longer and more elaborately.

And so it’s one of those funny things where even though we’re trying to make Alexa statements shorter, the user response is longer than it would be in text, and so we need to consider that. So add as many utterances (that make sense) to your intent as possible.

One of the best voice AI practices is to stock as many utterances as you can to a particular intent. This ensures your voice AI knows what the speaker means even if the spoken input does not match the defined intent.

5. Ask for more details

Your voice AI can only perform optimally if it knows who it’s speaking to. With no info on the speaker, your voice AI chatbot will not really be helpful. It’s important for your voice AI to get all the relevant information from and on the user before it can attempt to deliver a solution.

For example, a customer who wants to book an appointment might even require a reminder, say 3 hours before the scheduled appointment. Now, your voice AI can simply book the appointment and close the conversation. But it can even go further and ask the customer if they’d like to be reminded about this later.

This will make your voice experience excellent as it’s very different than a chatbot experience where you might be sharing links, images, and more written word. Your voice AI can not only complete the primary objective but also ensure the customer shows up to the appointment without fail.

Similarly, your voice AI can learn from customer behaviors and their order history to give relevant shopping recommendations based on previous tastes. One of the important practices to build voice AI is to give customers a smart enough solution that gives them what they need when they need it!

In the end…

The future of conversational AI, and particularly voice assistants is very bright. By 2024, the global voice-based smart speaker market could be worth $30 billion, which is another indication of the vast market of voice assistants.

But with every untapped opportunity comes a ticking clock, to capitalize on it before it loses its competitive advantage. With these 5 top practices for voice assistants, we’ve tried to help businesses like yours find the right opportunity in this promising new world of voice assistants.

However, if you’re unsure of how to proceed with developing and deploying voice assistants of your own, consulting with an expert like AxleWeb Technologies is the best way to go.

Visit our Website today:-

Also if you wish to learn how to create a voice bot so here is the tutorial for that:

In case you’re interested in more technical videos, check out our youtube channel.

