Using Chatbots for your Business

Anshul Shrivastava
AxleWeb Technologies
2 min readFeb 27, 2019


Whether you are a small business or a large conglomerate, I am sure one thing that you, as a business owner, is most worried about is giving best customer care experience to your customers or users. Customer care is the first priority for most of the successful companies.

Now, most companies depend on humans (customer care agents) for interacting with customers. And just think about this, Let’s say your customer care agent had a big argument with his wife this morning. What kind of experience would he be able to provide your customers?

At times, personal issues, work pressure etc. might impact the way agents should interact with the users. Can you afford to let your customers have a bad experience due to some personal issue of your customer care agent? I am sure the answer is NO.

Another issue with manual customer care is scalability. When your company grows, you need to deploy hundreds of customer care agents in order to provide reasonable availability. Even then, sometimes your customer needs to wait for 10 to 15 minutes or longer on chat or phone call before they can get connected to the agent.

So what could be the solution to these problems? Well, you guessed it right. Automate the customer care process. And Chatbots are here to help you with the automation process. Chatbots can complement your existing customer care agents and can offload a lot of repeated work.

Apart from customer care, Chatbots can also be used as your digital marketing agent. They can promote your brand, answer any type of question instantly and help you collect more leads and customers.

So go ahead and get a chatbot for your business today. Good luck.

In case you’re interested in technical videos, check out this channel .👇

Start your journey towards having a chatbot at a reasonable price. We’ll be pleased to serve you. 🙂

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