Round Table Event Uncovers Incredible Stories of Modernization ‘The AxonIQ Way’

Stefan van Eerde
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2021

Author: Sandra Fraile

Modernization is always challenging. But in the public sector, it’s often harder. Here, there’s a legal requirement to deliver services and information into the hands of citizens, all day, every day, all year round. In a conventional organization, this would be difficult enough. But in the public sector, the environment forces new policies and changing administrations every few years.

Leading public sector organizations have come to realize that in order to deliver software successfully, it pays to invest in tools and technologies that enable a ‘paradigm shift’ in their approach to software design and delivery. For these organizations, The AxonIQ Way provides precisely this ‒ a complete paradigm shift in their ability to deliver great software faster than ever.

What is The AxonIQ Way?

Adopting The AxonIQ Way can significantly improve your software delivery success. The AxonIQ Way is a combination of tools, techniques, and services which promote the use of business ‘events’ during every stage of the software delivery lifecycle.

Events in this context are messages designed to carry information about something that happened in the business. Much of the work done by an organization can be described, modeled, codified, and delivered using events. Once created, events can be stored and communicated widely, both within an organization and other interested parties. By communicating in events, businesses become much more responsive and better equipped to react to changing circumstances in real-time.

Does it Work?

In the recent AxonIQ government roundtable event, we heard from representatives of two organizations who have adopted this approach. They shared how building and modernizing applications The AxonIQ Way transformed their ability to deliver great software.

This transformation runs remarkably deep. Applying techniques advocated by The AxonIQ Way ‒ such as Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Event Sourcing ‒ transformed whole systems and transformed the people themselves.

This approach dramatically changed how closely the IT professionals within these businesses collaborated on solutions, whether it’s developers working more closely with architects, architects working more closely with analysts, or business people working more closely with IT.

These groups discovered they could communicate and solve problems much more effectively using this common event-based approach.

By way of an example, after committing to a modernization journey with DDD and CQRS, and after choosing Axon Server as their dedicated event-sourcing platform, Marc van Andel, Solution Architect at Kadaster ‒ the Dutch Cadastre, Land Registry, and Mapping Agency ‒ explained how developers, architects, and analysts were able to work much more closely together. Marc also described how, with the Axon Framework, developers found their code was free of clutter and better represented their business domain.

“For the first time ever, I’ve encountered a very close relationship between IT and the business. The code now exactly expresses what is happening [in the business].”

Andy Whitaker and his team at The State of Indiana had a similar experience. They discovered that by working this way, they were delivering high-quality applications at a considerably greater speed than before. He shared:

“We were far more aligned with the business using domain-driven design (…) it was easy to talk to the business; it was easier for everyone to understand.”

Does This Approach Work In Other Industries?

In a word, Yes. The great news for those not in the Government & Public Sector is that these benefits are completely transferrable. These tools and techniques work just as well in other industries, and the transformative effects are just as powerful!

To discover more insights from the roundtable ‒ including how a dedicated event platform improved productivity and how this method unlocked the hidden potential in people and teams ‒ have the full recording sent directly to your inbox using the link below.

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