Meet Moola (Formerly PayBX)

Interim update providing information related to the upcoming release of the Moola crypto app

7 min readMay 27, 2022


We are pleased to share further information regarding our upcoming crypto app. As we shared in our Q1 progress report, we have been working on a rebranding of PayBX, and today we’re ready to announce the new name:

PayBX is no more. Meet Moola!

moo·​la | \ ˈmü-(ˌ)lä
noun | slang

This article will provide more insight into this rebranding, what it means for the aXpire project, for you as a token holder, and also information related to the launch of the Moola app.

Rebranding of PayBX

We spent considerable time reviewing the branding of our B2C crypto app, PayBX. Following this, we felt it would be immensely valuable to rebrand the product entirely, forming an identity more relevant to our vision and audience.

This rebranding process involved significant workshopping and strategising, making changes to our name, logo, vision, mission, values, colour palette, fonts and more which is yet to come. We developed new brand guidelines, which will help us as we scale our marketing team and initiatives, and will ensure consistency across our internal and external communication.

Forming a solid brand is imperative for differentiation with other products in a growing marketplace, while also providing the foundations for us to attract more users. PayBX was not going to cut it.

Introducing Moola

Moola is a term for ‘money’ and is an apt name for our consumer-facing application that aims to democratize access to digital finance. We will break down barriers for our users to create digital multi-currency accounts (FIAT & crypto) that can replace banks, enabling money to be sent anywhere — with zero remittance fees between Moola users — while also enabling them to easily grow exposure to a rapidly emerging sector.

Moola is for anyone who is looking to gain exposure to crypto assets, and/or who want an easy way to spend and/or save their money. We make it easy to take advantage of the opportunities created at this new digital frontier, without the complexities related to keeping private keys safe or using browser extensions for dApps.

Bye PayBX… Hello Moola!

By using Moola, anyone will be able to easily and quickly purchase Bitcoin, Ethereum and a multitude of altcoins and stable coins. Users can purchase crypto from as little as ~$2, compared to often significantly higher minimum spends for other platforms. Newly acquired crypto assets (BTC, ETH, or stable coins such as USDC, USDT and DAI) can then be put to work to generate market-leading yields that are significantly higher than what banks provide, which users can then spend at millions of merchants worldwide through our virtual and physical crypto debit cards powered by Mastercard.

Moola is developed by aXpire, a SaaS company that creates software products that significantly improves businesses’ productivity and increases revenues, with a track record of helping clients such as Coca-Cola, Nike, Intel, IBM, and many more.

Implications of Rebranding

With this rebranding and incoming Moola app release, we will of course be releasing a new website to reflect the changes to the brand and application. We aim to release the new website next month, allowing for user signup ahead of the app release this summer.

New Moola website incoming!

As a consequence of the rebranding and our upcoming marketing push, we’re deciding to pivot focus from aXpire the company, to Moola the product. This means that “the aXpire project” will effectively become “the Moola project”, enabling the focus of our marketing to be on a single brand. This will also have implications for our token, AXPR.

We will be keeping the token contract the same for AXPR, but will request a name and logo change on Etherscan, CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko etcetera to “Moola (AXPR)”. The ticker and token smart contract will remain the same, and there is nothing that needs to be done by users at this time. The logo and design of the token will change to the green Moola token graphic pictured further above. This will take effect upon the release of the Moola website.

At a later stage we will also conduct a token swap to a new token contract as we look to implement our next plans for our tokenomics, including activation into an L2 network of choice to combat the high gas fees prevalent on Ethereum. Nothing will need to be done on this front as when we announce and conduct this airdrop, the new tokens to all holders of AXPR will be sent to the existing address of token holders, but on our selected L2 network.

In addition, our social media accounts will transition to reflect the new changes in the brand. This will also take place around the time of the Moola website release.

Moola Launch

While we have provided no firm date on the launch of our app, we aimed to release it in Q2 this year. As many of you know, with the development of products such as Moola, there are various things out of our control and therefore we have been clear about our intention to only provide a set date when we have all our ducks in a row.

Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to make a change of partners to those who will help us provide even greater value to our users. Examples of the value provided from this decision includes lower fees to users, as well as new and market-leading rates on interest earning, beating the likes of Binance,, BlockFi, Celsius and Nexo on certain cryptos.

The changes and additions to the scope of the application, alongside other aspects such as the rebranding, are all important strategic decisions that we’ve undertaken and that should help us achieve success in our launch and beyond. Moola has, simply put, evolved. We must ensure we do not rush shipping our product before we believe it is strategically right to do so.

With all the loose ends tied up and marketing strategy ready to be implemented, we expect the Moola app to be submitted to the App Store and Google Play Store by the end of August. We expect the app to be approved and ready to be downloaded and used by the end of Q3 at the latest (September).

Moola Crypto Debit Card

One of the key benefits to making the change in partners was the benefits we could provide through our Crypto Debit Card Program. Specifically, this has allowed us to provide a variety of cards, reduced fees and greater rewards (cashback, concierge services, etc.) Our Moola card is powered by Mastercard, enabling anyone to spend crypto and FIAT easily at millions of merchants worldwide.

Moola will be released globally with the exclusion of sanctioned countries, the U.S., and a small handful of other countries. The Moola cards can be offered with EUR, GBP or USD as the primary currency of the card, and in their Moola multi-currency account users can also store and transfer JPY and CNY in addition to the three aforementioned FIAT currencies.

Furthermore, you will be able lock AXPR for fixed periods of time to access benefits, interest and to unlock different tiers of our card program, with exclusive cards available for each tier. The Moola card will be available as Virtual, Plastic, Aluminium, Stainless Steel and Gold Plated — yes, real gold.

Moola Crypto Debit Card incoming!

For example, by locking and staking the specified amount of AXPR for our top tier, you will be able to get a Gold Plated Moola debit card free of charge!

We will be releasing further details regarding our Moola Crypto Debit Card Program, including the benefits attributed to staking AXPR, closer to the app launch date.

With all the loose ends tied up and marketing strategy ready to be implemented, we expect the Moola app to be submitted to Google and Apple stores by the end of August. We expect the App to be approved and ready to be downloaded and used by the end of Q3 at the latest (September).

Final Note

We are very excited with the progress that has been made over the last few months. We appreciate all of your continued support and look forward to sharing more details of this progress with you all as we make further announcements moving forward.

It is also worth sharing that we intend to divert funds dedicated for our buy back and burn program to still buying back tokens, but then using these tokens for community incentives and marketing initiatives.

To conclude this article, here is some of the things you can look forward to in the coming quarter:

  • Launch of Moola website
  • Further details on the Moola card and AXPR staking
  • Release of Moola litepaper
  • Launch of the Moola app
  • Deployment of marketing initiatives and heavy investment in brand awareness / user acquisition…

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Cutting edge FinTech, trusted by enterprises. Powered by the AXPR token.