Game-changing dual-token system for automotive?

David — AXT
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018

In this article we’re going to talk about the Automotive eXchange Platform’s (AXP) revolutionary idea of implementing a potential dual-token structure for their major automotive blockchain project.

You may be beginning to notice several platforms out there utilizing a dual-token structure, such as projects like MintHealth, BitCar, and others. Typically in a dual-token structure, you see a utility token and a security token. One of the two tokens is usually traded on exchanges, and the other token is not. This is often to enhance the stability of the platform, or implemented because there is a security-like element to the nature of the platform. The security token isn’t always present in the dual-token structure, but is particularly prevalent if the platform is granting dividend-like payments to token holders.

The AXP team is currently looking at a potential dual-token structure for the AXP blockchain project. The utility token will be used for many of the use cases outlined in the White Paper, such as: (1) buying goods and services, (2) tracking key elements of the process, such as vehicle listings, purchase offers, and sales, and then the big ambitious part (3) tying in government bodies such as the DMV to revolutionize the title and ownership transfer process.

Because the Automotive eXchange Platform (AXP) deals with real-world assets, such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, auto parts, financing, warranty, and shipping, there are many potential use cases for a security token. We’re currently working with our strategists and are looking at a system where the security token could behave similar to a dividend / some sort of profit sharing model. There are many more possibilities and we’ll update you as they come to the surface.

In the meantime, what are some of your favorite projects or platforms that utilize a dual-token structure?

Thanks for reading. Until next time!

Disclaimer: We’ve gone to great lengths to secure our legal team and advisory board. And given the current climate surrounding blockchain projects, cryptocurrencies, US securities regulations, and ICOs in general, it’s important to note that our official website ( and official White Paper (linked via the website) remain the only official sources of information about this project. This article, and other articles released by this publication are for entertainment purposes only. Thanks for understanding.

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David — AXT
Editor for

David has 13+ years as a marketing professional. He’s currently the Director of Marketing at DASHUB Inc., and is a senior team member for the AXP project.