Joseph Steinberg, cybersecurity thought leader and expert, joins the advisory board of the Automotive eXchange Platform (AXP)

David — AXT
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2018
Joseph Steinberg (pictured above)

The AXP team is proud to announce a new member to our advisory board: cybersecurity expert, thought leader, and industry veteran Joseph Steinberg. Steinberg is a well-known professional figure in the industry, as well as a prolific writer with articles appearing in major publications such as Inc. and Forbes, and his own popular website where he discusses all things cybersecurity. DASHUB is issuing a security token for the AXP project and that is no small undertaking. Joseph will be contributing his considerable expertise to the project.

“Security has always been important to DASHUB,” said Matthew Weitzman, CTO and Co-founder. “And now that we’re issuing a security token, hosting a token sale website, and building our own blockchain for the automotive industry, we need someone like Joseph Steinberg more than ever. He’s as good as it gets, and his knowledge in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space is invaluable to us. Couldn’t be happier to have him on the team.”

“I am excited to be joining AXP’s advisory board,” said Steinberg. “The automobile sales process is an area well suited for blockchain-based disruption, as the relevant sector presently suffers from significant inefficiencies and various lacks of transparency that can be dramatically improved upon with decentralized ledgers containing records of meticulously tracked activities. The team at AXP — with its combined decades of subject matter expertise and technical acumen — seems ideally suited to execute and deliver on this massive potential opportunity.”

Joseph Steinberg’s Bio: Joseph Steinberg is a CyberSecurity and Emerging Technologies Advisor. He has led businesses and divisions within the information-security industry for over two decades, has been calculated to be one of the top 3 cybersecurity influencers worldwide, and has written the official study guide from which many CISOs study for their certification exams. He is also one of only 28 people worldwide to hold the suite of advanced information security certifications, CISSP, ISSAP, ISSMP, and CSSLP, indicating that he possesses a rare, robust knowledge of information security that is both broad and deep; his information-security-related inventions are cited in over 150 US patent filings. Steinberg is also one of the best read columnists in the cybersecurity field, and a respected authority on other emerging technologies — having amassed millions of readers as a regular columnist for Forbes and Inc. magazines. He co-founded the cybersecurity firms, SecureMySocial and Green Armor Solutions, presently serves as an expert witness and consultant on matters related to information security and emerging technologies, and advises cybersecurity, blockchain, and other emerging technology firms.

Please note: We have gone to great lengths to secure our legal team and advisory board. And given the current climate surrounding blockchain projects, cryptocurrencies, US securities regulations, and ICOs in general, it is important to note that our official website ( and official White Paper (linked via the website) remain the only official sources of information about this project. This article, and other articles released by this publication are for entertainment purposes only. Thanks for understanding.

If you’re interested in learning more about DASHUB, or browsing their inventory, visit

If you’re interested in the team’s blockchain-based platform and supporting token sale, visit their token site at



David — AXT
Editor for

David has 13+ years as a marketing professional. He’s currently the Director of Marketing at DASHUB Inc., and is a senior team member for the AXP project.