Surge in US blockchain legislation since 2015?

David — AXT
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2018

From the moment the Automotive eXchange Platform (AXP) was born, in a conversation among the leadership brainpower of DASHUB, we knew that one of the ultimate goals for the AXP would be to revolutionize the State and regulatory landscape of the automotive industry at the State and local levels. Identity verification, privacy concerns, law enforcement, and of course, trips to the DMV could all be enhanced through the integration of blockchain-based technology processes. But we also knew it was going to be hard and required a tiered and strategic approach. This is what we’ve been working on, and in the meantime, look at every that is happening all around us here in the United States.

Florida was recently considering two bills, one in the State House and one in the State Senate. The bills were separate issues but were both related to the use and legality of blockchain technology as it related to identity verification, privacy, the role and limitations of law enforcement, and a what role the blockchain could take in a digital driver’s license process. These bills would have been a positive step forward for the integration of blockchain into the automotive industry. And while we think of driver’s licenses as part of the automotive world, it’s really one of the most important and powerful documents we have as individuals in the United States. These two bills ultimately died for obscure procedural reasons, but did not suffer any major defeats, meaning the path is being paved.

Florida is not alone in their effort to codify the use of blockchain from a legal perspective at the State and local levels. Not alone by a long shot. Let’s put this into perspective. In 2015 and 2016 there was one state with blockchain-related legislation being considered: Vermont. In 2017 six States considered blockchain-based legislation and so far, in 2018, we have 18 States considering laws for blockchain technology. This represents a massive surge of momentum for our emergent technology.

But not all are aboard the “hype train” that is blockchain technology. For us enthusiasts, we know that identity verification through the blockchain, once widely adopted by government, will be an ultimate gamechanger. Just addressing the scourge of identity theft would be a monumental win, and blockchain verified personal identity would do so much more than that. But even people at the vanguard of this movement know that it’s going to be a slow process. In an interview with Fortune, Vinny Lingham, co-founder and CEO of Civic (blockchain ID startup) said, “We looked at blockchain voting, and realized it will take any government of a reasonable size years to implement it. We won’t see elections on the blockchain in the U.S. for at least two more cycles,”. He went on to say that the charge is going to be led by small businesses providing meaningful and realistic uses for the technology.

And that’s exactly what the AXP is doing. We’re developing realistic and feasible uses for blockchain technology, in the automotive industry, that will provide benefits for our members and business partners and will give us use cases to take to the interested local and State governments (of which we’re in conversations with several already).

Thanks for reading, and thanks for supporting the AXP.

Disclaimer: We’ve gone to great lengths to secure our legal team and advisory board. And given the current climate surrounding blockchain projects, cryptocurrencies, US securities regulations, and ICOs in general, it’s important to note that our official website ( and official White Paper (linked via the website) remain the only official sources of information about this project. This article, and other articles released by this publication are for entertainment purposes only. Thanks for understanding.

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David — AXT
Editor for

David has 13+ years as a marketing professional. He’s currently the Director of Marketing at DASHUB Inc., and is a senior team member for the AXP project.