AxumGear - It’s The Beauty Of Simplicity

Axum Gear
Published in
8 min readAug 31, 2017

Can you imagine yourself working out for hours with your AXUM earbuds? putting those tiny monsters in your ears and letting all your worries disappear. Just you, AXUM and your favorite music…and it’s about to happen!

First of all we must say that we wish we had the time to post here updates every 60 minutes, that’s the best part of the project.

To talk to our backers, to those who supported us in our early stages- 12 months ago before we even had the prototype.

Unfortunately this days we’re too busy with production and the only thing we can think about is to start shipping ASAP- And you wonder how close we are to the shipping day? very close…

Yes we’ve started the mass production and yes it’s going great!

Had so many issues along the way such as signal, buttons, battery, sound- When we entered this project we could never imagine that it’s going to be so complicated, so you can imagine what we felt 4 months ago when we saw the final AXUM V1.0 working without any problem and the signal wasn’t dropping out..You guessed it, it felt fucking awesome!

I’m not gonna lie to you, we had plans to start mass production with V1.0 as we could never expect you to support us and wait for AXUM V2.0 but we knew we had no choice- We must make the perfect design so it’ll never fall ( we’ll share all the tests we did next week- It was long months for us but now we can guarantee that it will NEVER fall ) regardless to your sport activity, Axum will always stay secured in your ear. Even when you run 5 miles and sweat nonstop for 50 minutes, Axum earbuds will still stay secured in your ear as you super glued it to your ear.

We love to see your excitement and still can’t believe how much support we got from you!

Without your support we probably were still raising funds to finish the design of Axum v1.0 and dream about changing the sports earbuds industry one day…

By the way, thank you so much for participating in our PEOPLE PACKAGE project and sent us your photos to print on your AXUM package- It’s gonna be awesome!

There are great audio companies in the world, we won’t name any ;) but I’m sure you all familiar with them.

They have amazing sound and sealed over-the-head large headphones, and that’s a great solution for Netflix and chill!

We have lots of respect to those who make amazing products..

The only problem is that they never made great workout earbuds, something to fit our needs.

How such big companies with unlimited budget can’t make such “simple” product?

We asked this question after we’ve tested AXUM V2.0

and compared it to the rest of the True Wireless Earbuds out there…

and then we realized it.

They’ve tried to make those “smart”

all-in-one solutions so they includes lots of features:

measure distance, heart rate and more..

Those things require LOTS of space and kill your battery,

and the result?

They get long list of features but it won’t fit your ear and the battery will be dead when you reach your 3rd mile.

We always talk about focus and all those kind of things

but that’s not only a slogan that’s actually

what made AXUM happen,

what helped us to achieve the impossible and

what helped us turn this vision into reality.

How? Well, we knew we can add some cool new features ( Earbuds that tell you when to drink ) and we’ll probably sell lots of units on pre-order cause people will think that’s awesome but what does it worth if the basics are broken?

Our team works out 5–6 times a week and we know what we actually need, what’s missing in other earbuds.

There was never a single day when I went to the gym and said I wish my earbuds will have more accurate heart rate tracking, of course that’s necessary but not as much as the 3 most important things in every workout earbuds.

Those 3 are “simple” benefits that we knew that once we’ll it, we’ll have the BEST workout earbuds.

As said, we never looked into adding cool features but we thought about what we can remove, get rid off, so we’ll be able to focus our energy, time and money into only what’s MOST important, only into those 3 core benefit:


Once we’ll be able to make something that will NEVER fall and never hurt your ears, and will also sound amazing with long lasting battery > >

Then we made it!

You know that those 3 are actually what you need and that’s not a secret cause let me tell you something:

Those 3 are what ALL of us need, include those engineers who designed a more complicated earbuds.

You must learn to walk before you can run, no one ever made a good true wireless earbuds with great sound, fit and battery- Until now!

We get Emails from customers who ask “how you were able to make the best sports earbuds?”

So that’s the answer, we were focused ONLY on Sound, Fit & Battery! And that’s how we achieved it…

And now let’s explore AXUM a bit more —

As you know we’ve added a feature for you to be able to charge your smartphone directly from the earbuds case, so now we’ve also made the Type-C connection so it’ll be fast charging as well.

And we added 4 LED lights on the case itself so you can tell what’s the battery status of the case instead of just FULLY CHARGER or NOT FULLY CHARGED.

We got some questions from backers after they saw a review of one of our competitors :)

So please don’t worry about it, you’ll be able to charge your earbuds while the case is plugged in and yes it WILL work while your smartphone is in the back pocket!

Those are minor issues and we never took the time to explain as we thought that’s obvious, maybe not for other companies…

Oh and the antenna? Yes, it’s LDS- but again, that’s very basic features- Not sure why other companies dedicate 45 seconds of their video to tell you about it.

How we knew that AXUM is going to work?

To be honest? we never knew it for 100% - that’s the thing with technology- you can’t predict it!

No one knew back in 2000 that in only 15 years we’ll be sitting next to our family and friends and sending them some silly sad smiley expressing our emotions.

But we were lucky enough to achieve a working True Wireless earbuds 4 months ago, so how we knew we’re gonna make it? we only know it now:)

We pushed shipping cause we’ve decided to upgrade the external design. What does it mean that it’s ready for 4 months? well, unlike most companies that rush to ship ( and sometimes go out of business ) we had the amazing opportunity to actually test the electronics inside of AXUM for 4 months ( and we also made some minor upgrades during those months so it’ll work better ), yes that’s the same half-opened model we’ve been shooting videos with about 3–4 months ago.

True Wireless technology isn’t simple to make but we had a great time working on this project.

We know that even the biggest player out there delayed their launch, but that’s history now as we’re already started mass production.

Here’s what you can do with your AXUM:

Answer calls / Reject calls / Play / Pause / Redial

With Case:

Charge your earbuds / Charge your smartphone

Shipping was pushed from May because we had to upgrade the design and we made it amazing!

It sits perfectly in your ear and never fall- guaranteed!

Our designers worked with lots of companies in the past ( include AKG ) and got lots of experience.

We’ve made something amazing that you won’t be able to take off!

We upgraded now the external design, the plastic and rubber. We know it’s only plastic but that simple piece of plastic can ruin your workout or make you forget about everything else in life for 60 min in the gym session.

So we couldn’t compromise on it just cause we had the working technology ready.

Yes, we know the videos are still showing the old design but the last thing on our mind was how to improve the videos and sales page and sell more, we will update it this or next week but we’re so busy with mass production that we neglected all the marketing and that leads us to the next point. We reply to ALL emails within 24 hours ( during the weekend it can take up to 48 hours ) but please Email us at as we sometimes can ignore a message on Facebook or Instagram as we can’t control Instagram algorithm and they might consider your message as SPAM ( as 99% of the messages we receive there, yes that’s annoying and I know you love social media but we’ll reply faster through Email- We still check our social media every day of course )

Why we share it?

As you supported our project we don’t see you as just someone who we should send tracking number to and that’s it,

you made AXUM happen and you turned our dream into reality and that’s why we feel like we need to update you about everything that we’ve been through.

In the future we’ll expend into more products,

AXUM will get bigger and we won’t need the support of the crowdfunding platforms however we will always have a special place for those of you who joined our tribe!

The success of all companies big & small depends only on one thing, the people behind it!

And we must say THANK YOU one more time as the people behind AXUM, those who work day and night and those who invested in our early stages are amazing!

The feedback and support we received during the last 12 months is something we can never forget!

We know other companies that launched pre-order campaign are pushing the shipping dates for over 2 and sometimes 3 years but for us now it’s all over and we’re waiting for the mass production to finish, as we said we’ll start shipping next month- Yes, it’s happening the first run is already under mass production this days and the excitement here is like nothing you’ve ever felt before- Soon you’ll open the box of your new AXUM earbuds and put those tiny monsters into your ears, we can’t wait for this day to come! and it’s coming soon…

