The Never Ending Journey

Axum Gear
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2018

Best Wireless Headphones

This is not time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure” — W.Churchill

Everyday we’re climbing to the top of AXUM mountain, its rainy, its windy and its freezing out there but once in a while you look over your shoulder and can’t believe how far you’ve reached.

How much we’ve achieved during the past months,

we thought everything is over so many times,

we thought we’re standing still for so many days.

But now we can actually feel the breeze of victory, the clean air, we just need to push our limits one more time and we did it!

To reach the top of the mountain, where no one ever stepped before —

Create the PERFECT true wireless earbuds! 🔊

We want to thank you all for supporting us, we never took it as granted!

We’re here to make a real impact, to change the game, change your life and become the BEST!
So let’s do it, lets #BlastYourLimits🕪

The above was posted several months ago and all we had back then was a working prototype and lots of hopes and motivation.

To be honest with you?

During those times we had no idea what’s gonna happen in the next months.

We always aimed to become the best wireless workout earbuds but we could have never expect it to happen, and definitely had no idea it’ll happen so soon.

Sitting on the floor in the warehouse, packing AXUM sets, package after package when we barely have time to eat, sleep or reply to Emails cause we know that we MUST ship all units ASAP… and suddenly Chris (runs the logistics, but as you can see he’s actually checking Facebook more often than the warehouse) come’s in and says: “saw the first feedback Facebook?”.


No one speaking, or breathing…

Than he starts reading the comment:

At this point EVERYTHING dissappreaed

what does it mean?

the sweat, the tiredness, the hunger… I mean EVERYTHING!

In one second we got such boost that we were able to triple the amount of packages sent in the following hour, and fantasizing about more posts from people who’re actually Blasting Their Limits with the new AXUM earbuds.

Then we started getting more and more of those comments

At this point we knew it, we are about to reach the top of the mountain, the most desired place, where you’re standing alone, only you and your pride.

Of course we would NEVER stop working hard and improving our AXUM earbuds, we’ll always be the first to use the most advanced technology that is actually relevant to those who’re working out, and implement it into your AXUM workout earbuds.

In order to make it the best wireless headphones.

We always used to say that thanks to your support we were able to turn AXUM dream into reality and you helped us in the process of the design and manufacturing.

But now?

Well, now it’s safe to say that thanks to your support we were able to actually do it, actually create AXUM, actually make the best workout headphones.

Thank you for your time and never stop #BlastYourLimits,

we did it behind the scenes for 24 long months,

now it’s your turn to take AXUM and do it in your workout session.

