How to implement Google Analytics to Axure RP 9 prototype?

Mike Acler
Axure RP9 tips & tricks
2 min readAug 28, 2019

Sometimes you need quantitative data on how people interact with your Axure RP prototypes. For me the easiest way how to achieve this on my own and get the data I need is to implement Google Analytics code into my Axure prototype. How to do it?

  1. Create new account or property in Google Analytics
    First before you implement anything into your prototype, you need to get tracking code. There’s a ton of tutorials on this. If you don’t know how to get tracking code from Analytics, read this for example.
  2. Publish your project to Axure Cloud
    Once you have your tracking code ready, switch to Axure and publish your project to Axure Cloud (CMD/).
  3. Go to Axure Cloud and plug-in Google Analytics code
    Log in to your Axure Cloud account and open the project you just published. At the top you should see three tabs: Overview, Discussions, Plugins. Select the last option, Plugins. Now click “Add Plugin”, enter plugin name (Google Analytics), keep other options in default and paste your Google Analytics tracking code to the text field. Click “Add Plugin” and select your project’s pages where you’d like to include tracking code (hint: all of them + check “Add to new pages by default”.)
You can add Google Analytics code in plugins on Axure cloud
Paste here your tracking code
Select pages where you’d like to include the code

Hit “Save” and you’re done! Now you can fire up your Google Analytics and see the numbers!



Mike Acler
Axure RP9 tips & tricks

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