Pained From The Womb: A Poem About Nigeria

Inspired by the meaning of my Yoruba name

Giovanna White
Ayaba Legacy
1 min readJan 7, 2022


Photo by STRAWHAT from Pexels

Mother, the one who has forsaken me

Mother Nigeria, the feminine divine who destroys.

From when I inhabited the womb named my birthplace

I was doomed for subjugation.

Doomed for strife, doomed for damnation.

Damn you, Nigeria, Damn you for being a nation

I love.

I embody, I am part of.

There is a piercing light I see on the horizon

So beautiful, so divine.

It is a hope that The Nation gains a semblance of striking dignity

Dignity that is not day-by-day tossed out to the swine.

That light dims as it emerges.

Is crushed by cruel darkness, as it wages

War against sin.

Hopeless corruption, corrupt hopelessness.

Those who seek to see Mother fall

Relentlessly press forward, their sinister agendas.

The oil, the gas, the hapless youth

All, perversely exploited with unyielding grasp.

There is no hope, There is no doom.

Nigeria boasts of a future inextricably


Destruction, or grand rising.

I am but a spectator blindly waiting.

Thanks For Reading My Poem. Stay Kind And Curious My Loves ❤

