Book Review: Power vs Force by David Hawkins

Tyler Hurst
Arizona Yagé Assembly
2 min readJul 31, 2019

Had I read this book three years ago, I may have called it bullshit. Had I read it two years ago, I may have called it preachy. Had I read it a year ago, I may have called it a little too much. But today, in 2019 after 20 ayahuasca ceremonies, multiple psilocybin sessions, a few LSD experiences, and a couple months of applied kinesiology while eating a diet recommended by Chinese medicine, I can honestly say Power vs Force by David Hawkins is one of the most influential books I’ve ever read.

It’s all about vibrations and frequencies, and how people understand the world depending on where they’re at. Below 200? You’re going to react mostly negatively, out of fear and anger. 350 or below? You’re probably going to accept the world as it is without thinking there’s much else or that it can be changed. 400+? You’re likely approaching the point of being tapped into the energy of pure love, able to see empathize with nearly anyone while still understanding their decisions may not be great for them.

I came to find this book through a recommendation from a friend, and at the same time started with an applied kinesiologist who HAPPENED to have studied with author David Hawkins at a Sedona retreat. In the months I’ve been reading this book — it was filled with intense learnings that sometimes had me stopping after a few pages to process—I’ve also been treated by Dr. Jesper Reib…while dealing with a failing marriage (she started dating), my first full-time job that I actually vibed with in my entire life, and a host of spiritual changes that have people constantly tell me I’m glowing (I think they mean figuratively, but…).

This book is worth it alone to understand that alcohol vibrates at 200, cannabis at 350, and most psychedelics at 450+.



Tyler Hurst
Arizona Yagé Assembly

Writer, of sorts. Digs his hair. Feels things quite deeply. Cries sometimes. Into yoga, plant, and psychedelic medicine. Creates content about cannabis.