Reading 14: Computer Science Education

Alejandro Rafael Ayala
Ayala Ethics Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2018

Honestly, I’m unsure if coding is the new literacy, but there’s a part of me that wants to say it is because we are entering such a digitized age. Especially since “more and more, no matter what you’re interested in, being computationally savvy will allow you to do a better job” (Raja). We live in an era where to get things done, efficient and fast is the way to go. Due to this mindset, code shows up everywhere, regardless of your line of work, and to really understand how things work and do your job as best as possible, it does make sense to need to know how to code to keep up with the industry. That being said, I don’t know if literacy is the right word for it. I don’t think we’re at the point yet where it’s an essential tool for everyone. The reason why reading and writing became essential for everyone is that it’s necessary to simplify communication with each other. However, to me, it feels like code is inherently different in that it’s more about solving and understanding problems rather than an essential tool to function in society. In some industry settings I guess it makes sense as literacy, but I just fail to see how it is necessary for all. For example, while a chef may use technology to help them with their craft, they don’t really need to know how that oven works programmatically or how to program a blender. However, I am of the camp that thinks that everyone should at least be exposed to computer science or take a class in school. If the school system values us learning about the essentials to prepare us for life, then computer science must be considered an essential. We are in an age where computer science matters, so kids should be exposed to it since it is one of the biggest possibilities that waits in the real world. It’s also one of the fastest growing. That’s why it’s kinda discouraging that while “$1.3 billion is a huge investment in the future of CS education in the United States… it’s only a down payment” (Guzdial 2017). Personally, it seems to me that the biggest downside unfortunately is a financial one. However, we should be dedicated to overcoming that because if the goal is to be holistic so that students can explore their interests, it only makes sense to be a required class. Schools will need to work hard to prepare their faculty as CS4All pushes forward, but I think it’s important that they do so. I was lucky to have computer science at my high school because I loved it right away, but even though I really hated my history and literature classes, I’m glad I took them because it helped me to evaluate what I’m interested in. It’s not quite math, and it’s not quite science in the traditional sense. Other engineers use their physics, calculus, and chemistry way more than I do. It’s clear that it’s separate enough to warrant its own place in education. In my opinion, I think that computational thinking and logic should be taught, but there also should be programming to complement these things as a way to apply what they learn. I’m of the opinion that everyone can learn to program because “even if you believe that programming is a “wired” ability, or if you get groups of students in your classes who aren’t prepared, there’s every reason to believe that you can still teach them to program better than they could when they enter [a computer science] class” (Guzdial 2014). I don’t know if everyone has to learn to program, but I do think everyone should at least give it a shot if they can since coding grows in importance and presence over time. However, I do agree with Farag that coding boot camps can be problematic since they focus on coding itself and not necessarily effective problem solving. “Focusing on coding inflates the importance of finding the “right” method to solve a problem rather than the importance of understanding the problem” (Farag).

