Why I’m Building a Poetry Circle (and Why You Might Need One Too)
I’ve always had a deep connection with poetry. You know how, as a “different” kid growing up, you naturally gravitate towards some art form? For me, that art form was poetry. It became the vessel for experiencing and expressing the sensitivity I carried toward life itself. When you’re someone who feels everything intensely, it can quickly become all-consuming if there isn’t an outlet that you can rely on.
For me, poetry was that catharsis, the release that helped me navigate my existence.
But as time passed and life happened, I drifted away from it. Call it adulthood, or maybe just losing touch with my creative self — poetry slowly faded into the background.
This year, though, I made one stubborn promise to myself: to reintroduce poetry into my daily life. When I reflected on how to make this happen, I realised that community had always been a powerful influence on my writing journey. It made sense to lean into that again.
I’ve spent over four years organising and curating online events and workshops around poetry and writing. Building on that experience, I am creating The Poetry Circle at Ayaskala. As the name suggests, it’s a (figurative, for now) circle of poetry enthusiasts who, like me, want to bring poetry back into their lives. One day, I hope this circle becomes a literal gathering across cities.
This is a space for people who:
- Want to immerse themselves in poetry — reading, writing, or both.
- Desire meaningful discussions around poetry and its nuances.
- Wish to actively work on their craft through prompts, workshops, and constructive feedback.
- Want to commit to a routine or discipline centred on poetry.
To be honest, this is a selfish endeavor. But I’m building it in public, hoping it inspires some of you to finally give poetry the space it deserves in your life, too.
So, what will happen in The Poetry Circle?
- Every meetup, we’ll discuss different poems and explore various forms of poetry writing.
- We’ll do exercises designed to refine our ability to comprehend and create poetry.
- We’ll dive into creatively stimulating conversations about everything poetry entails.
- And most importantly, we’ll dedicate a block of time each month to poetry — together.
I’ll bring resources and materials to these meet-ups to create an enriching, collaborative experience for everyone. Think of it as an informal poetry school, a club like Dead Poets Society, or just a group of friends bound by a shared love for dancing with poetry, down to its very essence.
It’s still a work in progress, of course. But since I’m building this in public, I’ll document the journey online — sharing the challenges, the victories, and, most importantly, the magic of poetry along the way.
How can you become a part of The Poetry Circle? Simply fill this form and I’ll get back to you!