Life at Ayoconnect: Get to know our Ayostars!

Adrini Widya Putri
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2020

Here at Ayoconnect, we are all united by the same values. Despite the diversity of our cultural backgrounds and our physical distances, all of us are driven by the same desire to grow and the same ambition to turn Ayoconnect’s vision into a reality. To acknowledge our teams’ exceptional performance as well as their inspiring determinations, we develop an appreciation program called Ayostar.

At every end of the quarter, all of Ayoconnect’s employees are encouraged to nominate themselves or a colleague to be considered as Ayostar of the quarter. Each quarter will have two Ayostars, each to represent our tech and business department.

In this post, we will introduce you to four of our Ayostars from the second and third quarter of 2020. Who are they? What are their stories, and what advice can they share with us? Let’s find out!

“When I was in college, my lecturer once said to just try — failure is expected but that’s where the growth is nurtured. That piece of advice also happens to be a value that Ayoconnect shares internally, and that’s what makes me stick around. I also appreciate how Ayoconnect has implemented remote work policies to keep all of us safe. Although I miss the comfort of hanging around with my teammates in the pantry during lunchtime, I’m glad that everyone is staying healthy from their houses. I also find the calmness of being in my hometown with my family to be a source of inspiration and focus in itself. In my spare time, I find that Twitter has been a great platform for me to fill in the time and it happens to provide me with much latest design and ideas.”

Impact Analysis is great advice I once got from my colleague in Ayoconnect, for it is applicable for both personal life decisions and work. As a Frontend Developer, it is vital to identify what would be affected if I change a code so I could prepare solutions for any expected damage. I miss the ambiance of working from the office but I’m taking comfort from the many fun virtual meetings we had. I feel everyone had a great time at the recent Ayostar announcement; it was an intimate and uplifting one. I try to focus on taking care of myself more during these hard times and also have been dancing around a bit.”

“My dad once told me to ‘always think before you act’. While it sounds simple, I actually see it as one of the greatest pieces of advice I have ever received. A few years ago, I had an opportunity to work as a consultant for one of Ayoconnect’s projects. The experience left me a very positive experience that the moment I saw an open vacancy, I submitted my application right away. Even though I joined Ayoconnect in the middle of their shift to become a remote company, I see it as a chance for everyone to find new ways to reconnect and strengthen the bond of their friendships.

“Focus on one thing at a time has been my go-to advice. Our team constantly had to ensure our product integrations are on its best performance and it can only be earned from learning through errors and problems. That is the work culture of Ayoconnect that I really appreciate; making mistakes is part of growth. It provides not only an opportunity to improve and learn but also a chance to learn how to prevent repetition. When the pandemic hit and communication are done by virtual meetings and chat messenger, I found myself using the 👍🏼 emoji more often to motivate colleges for their good work.”

Ayoconnect is Indonesia’s most advanced Open Bill Network. We are a remote first company with a team of 100 people dedicated to drive digitalization and financial inclusion through technology. You are more than welcome to become part of our growing team. Follow us on our LinkedIn and Instagram to discover available positions in our company!

