Balancing Parenthood and Learning: Harnessing the Power of Audiobooks

Wahidyan Kresna Fridayoka (Yoka)
Published in
6 min readJul 29, 2023

As an individual with limited time for deep learning, I faced significant challenges when finding effective learning solutions. The birth of my second child brought about a significant shift in my daily routine, leaving me with even less time to dedicate to my personal growth and education. This sudden change meant I had to find alternative ways to continue learning and expanding my knowledge while juggling the responsibilities of parenthood and work.

Problem: Time Constraints and Limited Focus

The arrival of my second child brought many new responsibilities and demands on my time. Caring for a newborn requires constant attention and care, leaving little room for personal pursuits. Additionally, my professional commitments and the need to provide for my family meant I needed more time for focused learning.

Previously, I could dedicate hours to deep learning, immersing myself in books, online courses, and other educational resources. However, with the arrival of my second child, my available time for such activities was drastically reduced. I found myself with only a fraction of the time I used to have, making it challenging to engage in deep, concentrated learning sessions.

Furthermore, the nature of my responsibilities as a parent meant that my attention was often divided. I needed a solution allowing me to learn in short bursts without requiring intense focus or uninterrupted blocks of time. I wanted to find a way to continue expanding my knowledge and staying intellectually engaged, even during the moments when I couldn’t dedicate my full attention to learning.

Solution Criteria

To address my learning constraints, I established a set of criteria for the ideal solution:

  1. Low-Focus Mode: The solution should enable me to learn while engaging in “auto-pilot” activities, where I can sample ideas without deep understanding. This would allow me to familiarize myself with topics and locate them later.
  2. Accessibility: The solution should be accessible from my smartphone or any device I can carry during my morning strolls or physical activities. It should not require me to be confined to my study room.
  3. Pause and Continue: I should pause and resume learning using the solution during breaks from work or other activities.

By setting these criteria, I aimed to find a solution that would fit seamlessly into my daily routine and allow me to make the most of the limited time I had available for learning.

Enter Audiobooks

My journey with audiobooks began when I stumbled upon the “productivity game” channel on YouTube. Intrigued by the concept, I realized that audiobooks aligned perfectly with my solution criteria. The ability to listen to books and educational content while engaging in other activities is an ideal way to continue my learning journey.

I discovered that my O’Reilly book subscription included audiobooks, which further expanded my options. This meant I could access a wide range of technical and engineering content in audio format, allowing me to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in my field. Additionally, I started using the Blinkist app to sample ideas from non-engineering, non-fiction books, further diversifying my learning experiences.

Usage Patterns

I found specific times throughout my day when I could incorporate audiobooks into my routine:

  1. Morning Strolls: I utilize audiobooks during my morning walks with my children. This allows me to learn while spending time with them and getting some exercise. The peaceful surroundings and fresh air create an ideal environment for absorbing new information.
  2. Lunch Break: I use my lunch break to continue my learning journey. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching videos, I use this time to listen to audiobooks. It helps me expand my knowledge and provides a mental break from work.
  3. Before Bed: I also use audiobooks to relax before sleeping, similar to ASMR. I can wind down by listening to soothing voices narrating educational content while still engaging with valuable information. This has replaced the habit of mindlessly scrolling through my phone before sleep, allowing me to end the day on a productive note.

How I Use Audiobooks

While audiobooks are unsuitable for coding-related topics requiring hands-on practice, I have found them valuable for exploring concepts and theories. Here’s how I incorporate audiobooks into my learning process:

  1. Full-Length Audiobooks: I consume full-length audiobooks for engineering topics to gain a philosophical understanding of the subject matter. This allows me to grasp the broader concepts and principles. While I may not be able to follow along with code examples or exercises, I can still absorb the underlying ideas and theories.
  2. Summary Versions: I often listen to the summary versions of audiobooks for non-engineering topics. These condensed versions provide a quick overview of a book’s main ideas and key takeaways. If a book piques my interest, I delve into the full version to explore the ideas more deeply. This approach allows me to sample various topics and decide which ones I want to explore further.

Results and Benefits

Using audiobooks as a learning tool has brought several benefits to my learning journey:

  • I am satisfied with the flexibility and convenience that audiobooks offer. While there may be challenges in syncing the learning pace with the narrator’s pace, this is not a significant issue for low-focus learning. The ability to pause and resume anytime allows me to fit learning into my schedule without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Audiobooks have allowed me to squeeze an extra learning slot into my schedule. I can make progress in my learning goals by utilizing previously unproductive time, such as during walks or breaks. This has been particularly valuable during busy periods when finding dedicated study time is challenging.
  • The ability to sample ideas and dive into concepts while engaging in “auto-pilot” activities has been invaluable. Audiobooks have become a valuable tool for continuous learning in various aspects of my life. Whether exploring new engineering concepts or gaining insights from non-fiction books, audiobooks have allowed me to stay intellectually engaged even when my time is limited.

However, it is essential to note that audiobooks are not a substitute for high-focus learning activities like reading books and experimenting with code directly. As a software engineer, engaging in hands-on practice and actively writing code to understand and apply concepts is crucial. Audiobooks serve as a complementary tool for gaining a philosophical understanding and exploring ideas, but they should continue the active learning process.

In conclusion, my experience using audiobooks as learning material has proven to be a successful solution to my time constraints. By embracing audiobooks, I have continued my learning journey, sampled ideas, and expanded my knowledge while engaging in daily activities. The convenience and accessibility of audiobooks have allowed me to make the most of my limited time and incorporate learning into various aspects of my life. While audiobooks may not be suitable for all types of learning, they have certainly been a valuable addition to my learning toolkit.

I recommend incorporating audiobooks into your daily activities if you face similar time limitations but still strongly desire to learn and grow. They provide a flexible and accessible way to continue your learning journey, allowing you to maximize your limited time. Embrace the power of audiobooks and unlock a world of knowledge while going about your daily life. Remember to supplement audiobooks with high-focus learning activities to ensure a well-rounded and comprehensive learning experience.

PS: Hi there! My name is Yoka, and I am a software engineering manager with a deep passion for software engineering craftsmanship. If you like this article, you might like, a website where I write about software engineering craftsmanship, engineering management, and my learning experience. Or, if you are in the Twitter (X) space, feel free to follow AyoKoding at



Wahidyan Kresna Fridayoka (Yoka)

Yoka is a software engineering manager with a diverse portfolio and more than two years of experience leading software engineering teams.