A small gesture of kindness, makes a remarkable difference

Ayuda NGO
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2021

An occasional exploration of how kindness is the key to life, a language that even the blind can see and deaf can hear.

Let’s embark on this journey with a little contemplative approach….

Do you ever ask yourself….

Do I want to be happy?

Yes, right?

Do I want others in my life to be happy?

As likely as not yes too, right?

Am I doing good to others?

Probably yes, probably no…

Have others been good to me lately?

Presumably yes or maybe not…

Do others want you to be happy?


A little hesitation on that one maybe? Maybe even a no?

Well all things considered, it’s not true!

Just like you wish good health and fortune for all kinds, they want the same for you. After you’ve reached the end of this, you’ll sure be inspirited to create a small shift to bring more goodwill into your life, and the lives of others.

Amidst the concentration of coronavirus this year, it is even more a severe time of hope and promise that social work and acts of goodwill would have the opportunity to make a greater contribution within the society. The coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) has taken a lot of us by surprise. Some people have described it as an episode of Black Mirror that they want to turn off, while others have said that they feel like the entire world is upside down.

However, there is one entirely flawless and overriding message for well-wishers, it is that by being unanimously committed and active, they can contribute to shaping a positive future.

Our invoked sense of responsibility is what makes us reflect upon our privilege of being capable of lending a helping arm.

Kindness is Power.

Always remember, no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

We often underestimate the power of kindness, for it is that gift of kindness that makes us what we are and how we choose to impact other people’s lives! Every gesture and effort made towards the betterment of the different identities of our society ,counts as one step towards an unanimous goal that we all share — to build dream India!

And before you wonder where the real inspiration comes from, it’s Helen Walton’s wise words that say:

“It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you lived”

Kindness Starts With One

One step. One gesture. One smile. One person…

A holistic approach towards individual care and attention, transitional and customized programmes for people, integrated with the willingness to do whatever it takes to bring a light into needy homes. Our intentions must be based on leveraging the passion and the drive of self-motivated and high achieving young leaders.

Self-commitment is an important engineer of quality and care, and more than any designed intervention, these are the biggest drivers of revolution in outcomes.

However small our gesture might be, our individual and collective initiatives must focus on highlighting the humanity in the process, and making each one of our part in the interface as seamless and as human as possible.

We believe everybody deserves a reasonable quality of life. A life in which they need not struggle to make ends meet. A life that allows one to provide reasonable safety and security to their families and children. A life that one can live with dignity and on their own terms.

Be certain that, it is never too late to make a difference, small acts of kindness can go a very long way!

And now, with all that motivation I believe, you’re all set to put kindness into ACTION!

